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Custom Quarantine Messages

Configure Repository Firewall to provide a custom quarantine message when a component request fails a Firewall policy. This message and the default Firewall quarantine messages are included in the command line output.

Use cases for the capability:

  • Provide instructions on how to respond when components are quarantined during their builds.

  • Using up to 500 characters the custom messages may contain a URL pointing to internal instructions

  • For Repository Firewall release 165 or greater using Nexus Repository Pro version 3.58 or greater

Setting the quarantine message

Send a command to the Configuration REST API to PUT a JSON object containing the quarantine message property.

curl -X PUT -u admin:admin123 \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{"quarantinedItemCustomMessage": "Custom message"}' \

Getting the current message

Use a GET request to check the value of the property from the config API

curl -X GET -u admin:admin123 \

Deleting the custom message

Use a DELETE request to remove the message

curl -X DELETE -u admin:admin123 \