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Upgrade Nexus Repository

Upgrading the Nexus Repository is necessary for new features, bug fixes, performance improvements, and other security patches. Regularly updating to the latest release is recommended.

Pre-Upgrade Checklist

  1. Review the Release Notes

    The release notes list compatibility or breaking changes. Changes to the architecture of Nexus Repository require users to review the new required configuration.

    See Nexus Repository Release Notes

  2. Download the Latest Binary

    Download the latest installer archive for your platform from the Downloads page.

    Extract the newest downloaded distribution archive using the standard approach. Archive distribution offers the familiar process of downloading and simply extracting the installation archive. There is no graphical or automated process and all commands are done inside a terminal console.

  3. Content Replication

    Pause content replication on the target instance while performing the upgrade to allow for a clean, predictable timeline for when replication is down. Re-start replication once you've upgraded both instances to the same version.

  4. Compare the nexus.vmoptions File

    Compare the bin/nexus.vmoptions file with your existing version. This file contains settings such as the temp file location and JVM memory setting.

    See Configuring the Runtime Environment

  5. Jetty HTTPS Access

    Check that the etc/jetty/jetty-https.xml SSL keystore location is available for the new installation and configured according to our recommendations.

  6. Review Custom Configuration

    If you manually adjusted any other install files under ./etc you need to perform a different comparison between the old files and the new files and apply your changes when applicable to the new version.

Perform the Upgrade

  1. Backup the Nexus Repository

    Take a backup of the existing data directory and blob stores. Because of the involved Upgrade steps, downgrading a Nexus Repository version is not supported and results in failure.

  2. Review the Pre-Upgrade Checklist

    Ideally, configuration is maintained in the External Database and the data directory and

  3. Stop Nexus Repository

    Stop your existing instance using your operating system service. Wait for it to stop completely.

  4. Update your Service Scripts

    Start the new installation using the scripts under ./bin or adjust your operating system service to use these scripts.

    See Run as a Service

  5. Restart Nexus Repository

    Review the log files for issues and sign in to confirm Nexus Repository is working as expected.