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System Requirements for High Availability Deployments

This section covers specific requirements for high-availability (HA) deployments for Nexus Repository. Consider the following details before starting:

  • Requires deploying with several technologies outside the Sonatype Platform scope.

    Prepare to have in-house expertise in these technologies. E.g.; Load Balancer, Kubernetes, Helm Charts, Docker, Cloud Infrastructure, etc.

  • Requires significant infrastructure and maintenance costs.

    Evaluate the total investment costs of your architecture to meet your expected traffic and business requirements.

  • Requires full testing in a development environment before implementing in production.

    Improper deployment to production may result in excessive downtime and critical data loss.

  • Requires a Nexus Repository Pro license

    High-availability (HA) deployments are only available for Nexus Repository Pro customers.

High Availability Requirements

  • Every node must meet the system requirements.

    The system requirements including the CPU and memory requirements must be met for each node independently. Every node must be on the same version of Nexus Repository with the same configuration in their file.

    See Zero Downtime Upgrades to learn more.

  • Each node is on its own server.

    For fault-tolerant deployments, we recommend that on-premises deployments limit each Nexus Repository instance to its own server. For example, when running a cluster of 2 or more instances, have different servers for each node to limit the risk of any one system failing.

  • Deploy to a single region or data center.

    The primary highly available deployment must be deployed to a single region or data center when self-hosting. Cross-region deployments cause significant database latency issues and data loss. Nexus Repository may be deployed in several federated models to support other regions.

    See the Deployment Pattern Library to learn how to deploy in multiple regions.

  • Review the performance metrics when sizing deployments.

    Performance Data Using AWS

    Performance Data Using Azure

Technology Requirements

The following external technologies are required for HA deployments:

  • A load balancer is required to distribute traffic to HA nodes.

    Examples include: HAProxy, NGINX, Apache HTTP, AWS ELB, etc

  • A blob store location for storing components accessible by all active nodes.

    Examples include: NFS v4, AWS S3, Azure Blob Store, etc.

    If you used the default blob store included with the single Nexus Repository deployment, you may need to migrate your blobs to shared blob storage.

    See Migrating to Shared Blob Storage for more details.

  • An external PostgreSQL database that all nodes may access.

    For fault-tolerant deployments, the database should not reside on the same servers as your nodes. While we recommend configuring replication on your PostgreSQL database, this is outside of our support scope.

Supported Infrastructure and Limitations

The table below outlines the supported infrastructure for Sonatype Nexus Repository HA deployments. Our Support team's expertise is in AWS technologies. While other technologies may work, this would fall outside of our support scope. Ensure you have in-house expertise in the technologies you are using for your HA deployment.

Hardware/Software Components

Specific Technology and Version

Sonatype Nexus Repository

Nexus Repository Pro 3.50.0+

Java Runtime Environment

See Java Compatibility Matrix for details on support versions of Java aligned to your releases.

Cloud Providers

AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud are supported.

Host Operating System

Operating systems that run your Java version.

Host Servers

AWS EC2, Azure VM, Bare metal servers, Hyper-V virtual machines, VMWare virtual machines


AWS Aurora PostgreSQL 13.3+

AWS RDS PostgreSQL 13.3+

Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server using PostgreSQL 13+

Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL 14.13+

Self-managed PostgreSQL 13+

Per-Node Local Storage

(sonatype-work directory)

AWS EBS, AWS EFS, Azure Storage, Google Cloud Filestore, NFS v4


AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage, NFS v4

Orchestration Platforms

AWS EKS v1.23+

Azure AKS 1.25.5

Google Kubernetes Engine 1.30+

Kubernetes (on-prem deployments)

Load Balancers


Azure Load Balancer

Nginx/httpd (latest version)

CloudFormation and Terraform scripts are not available for HA.