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Component Policies

The component policy threat level (risk) rankings ratings are subjective based on your organization's goals. Your Lifecycle team should review all component policy threat level rankings.








The component has been modified from the original source

  • Match State is Similar

  • Coordinates do not match

    maven: org.eclipse.*




The component was not found in the Sonatype data

  • Match State is Unknown

  • Not labeled Proprietary

  • Data Source has support for identity

Component Exceptions

Components not found in public open-source repositories, or those which have been modified, present unknown risk which may not be acceptable to some organizations. Unfortunately, policies meant to catch these components may also unintentionally catch Innersource Components developed by your organization or third-party vendors. The source of all components should be determined before any exception is made. Setting the Proprietary Configuration and using SBOMs to identify components unknown to Sonatype during a scan will greatly reduce any noise from these policies. You may also choose to Claim Components coming from an external source. We highly recommend efforts are made to reduce these sorts of violations so that true threats can be identified. The worst-case scenario would be for real risk to hide among ignored violations.

Components that have been modified present both additional security and license risk. In some situations, internal teams may choose to patch projects where no non-vulnerable version exists or upgrading is difficult or impossible. This practice leads to version lock-in and technical debt, which should be avoided whenever possible. If not, use short-term waivers to regularly assess the risk. The weak-copyleft license obligation is triggered when modifications are made to OSS which has not been shared back with the project owners. See the License Policies above for details.