The Component Evaluation REST API allows for a single component, or multiple components, to be evaluated against a specific application and the associated policies.
This API uses the following REST resources:
POST - to submit a component or list of components, as well as the application containing the policies the component(s) will be evaluated against.
GET - to check the status of the evaluation and retrieve the results when completed.
For the API we provide a step-by-step example using the HTTP client cURL, though any HTTP client tool could be used. In addition, we’ll reference other APIs such as the one required to obtain an application’s internal ID.
First, you need to decide which components you want to evaluate. You’ll need a bit of component information in the form of the GAVE (Group, Artifact, Version, and Extension) or the hash for each component you wish to evaluate.
There are a variety of ways to get the GAVE, the most common is to get the information from the repository that houses the component. For example, The Central Repository has the GAVE for all components stored there.
If you wish to use the hash, Sonatype uses sha1
for all components it processes.
Only components known to Sonatype will provide security, license, and popularity data related to policies. However, depending on the policies for the application you choose to evaluate the component against, other policy conditions, such as match state, will help in determining if the component is known to your instance of the IQ Server.
Next, you will need to pick the application you want to evaluate your component against. This begins with obtaining the application’s public ID, which is used to retrieve the internal application ID.
The public ID can be found via the IQ Server GUI by navigating to the respective application and copying the application ID, which is located just below the application name.
This is done using the following GET REST resource from our application API:
GET /api/v2/applications?publicId={YourPublicId}
Using the cURL command, it would look like this:
curl -u admin:admin123 -X GET 'http://localhost:8070/api/v2/applications?publicId=MyApplicationID'
If you like, you can also return multiple applications by appending additional &publicId={SomeOtherPublicId} to the command above. Alternatively, if desired, all applications can always be returned by omitting the reference to the public id. This will give the public ID and internal application ID for all applications.
information will be returned (unique to your application). This has been formatted for readability:
{ "applications": [ { "id": "529b7f71bb714eca8955e5d66687ae2c", "publicId": "MyApplicationID", "name": "MyApplication", "organizationId": "bb41817bd3e2403a8a52fe8bcd8fe25a", "contactUserName": "NewAppContact", "applicationTags": [ { "id": "9beee80c6fc148dfa51e8b0359ee4d4e", "tagId": "cfea8fa79df64283bd64e5b6b624ba48", "applicationId": "529b7f71bb714eca8955e5d66687ae2c" } ] } ] }
From the information returned above, make a note of the ID. This is the internal application ID.
Alright, by now you should have either the GAVE or truncated hash for your component, as well as the internal application ID. We’ll put this information together using the POST REST resource:
POST /api/v2/evaluation/applications/{applicationInternalId}
Added to this will be a JSON formatted body (see the component search REST API's for coordinate format examples):
{ "components": [ { "hash": null, "componentIdentifier": { "format": "maven", "coordinates": { "artifactId": "commons-fileupload", "groupId": "commons-fileupload", "version": "1.2.2", "extension": "jar" } } } ] }
If desired, multiple components can be included, but remember, the extension is required when entering components by GAVE.
Together, this should look like this:
curl -u admin:admin123 -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"components": [{"hash": null,"componentIdentifier": {"format": "maven","coordinates": {"artifactId": "commons-fileupload","groupId": "commons-fileupload","version": "1.2.2","extension":"jar"}}}]}' 'http://localhost:8070/api/v2/evaluation/applications/529b7f71bb714eca8955e5d66687ae2c'
A successful POST will result in JSON formatted data confirming that the evaluation was submitted.
{ "resultId": "917e0c5e92a646a5b8879a40890078bc", "submittedDate": "2015-02-02T10:43:22.975-05:00", "applicationId": "529b7f71bb714eca8955e5d66687ae2c", "resultsUrl": "api/v2/evaluation/applications/529b7f71bb714eca8955e5d66687ae2c/results/917e0c5e92a646a5b8879a40890078bc" }
Be sure to make note of the result ID and application ID. These will be used to check and retrieve results. If you are following along with cURL, you can simply copy the results URL.
We support Package-URL as a means to represent the GAV (in addition to the component identifier).
Let's look at the same example with the packageUrl parameter instead of componentIdentifier or hash. The JSON formatted body will now be:
{ "components": [ { "packageUrl": "pkg:maven/commmons-fileupload/commons-fileupload@1.2.2?type=jar" } ] }
curl -u admin:admin123 -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"components": [{"packageUrl": "pkg:maven/commmons-fileupload/commons-fileupload@1.2.2?type=jar"}]}' 'http://localhost:8070/api/v2/evaluation/applications/529b7f71bb714eca8955e5d66687ae2c'
A successful POST will result in the same JSON formatted confirmation when submitted using the component identifier.
Now, depending on how many components you evaluated, the IQ Server may need some time to process them. You can check the status and obtain results using the following GET REST Resource:
GET /api/v2/evaluation/applications/{applicationInternalId}/results/{resultId}
In our example, we’re going to use the resultsURL and as before, cURL:
curl -u admin:admin123 -X GET 'http://localhost:8070/api/v2/evaluation/applications/529b7f71bb714eca8955e5d66687ae2c/results/917e0c5e92a646a5b8879a40890078bc'
You will receive a 404 status code when the report is not ready. When ready you will receive results similar to those below:
{ "submittedDate": "2015-02-13T18:01:42.082-05:00", "evaluationDate": "2015-02-13T18:01:42.084-05:00", "applicationId": "529b7f71bb714eca8955e5d66687ae2c", "results": [ { "component":{ "hash": null, "packageUrl": "pkg:maven/commons-fileupload/commons-fileupload@1.2.2?type=jar", "componentIdentifier": { "format": "maven", "coordinates": { "artifactId": "commons-fileupload", "extension": "jar", "groupId": "commons-fileupload", "version": "1.2.2" } }, "proprietary": false }, "matchState": "exact", "catalogDate": "2010-07-29T16:41:12.000-04:00", "licenseData": { "declaredLicenses": [ { "licenseId": "Apache-2.0", "licenseName": "Apache-2.0" } ], "observedLicenses": [ { "licenseId": "Apache-2.0", "licenseName": "Apache-2.0" } ], "effectiveLicenses": [ { "licenseId": "Apache-2.0", "licenseName": "Apache-2.0" } ], "overriddenLicenses": [ ], "status": "Open" }, "securityData": { "securityIssues": [ { "source": "cve", "reference": "CVE-2013-2186", "severity": 7.5, "status": "Open", "url": "", "threatCategory": "critical" }, { "source": "osvdb", "reference": "98703", "severity": 7.5, "status": "Open", "url": "", "threatCategory": "critical" }, { "source": "cve", "reference": "CVE-2014-0050", "severity": 5.0, "status": "Open", "url": "", "threatCategory": "severe" }, { "source": "osvdb", "reference": "102945", "severity": 5.0, "status": "Open", "url": "", "threatCategory": "severe" } ] }, "policyData": { "policyViolations": [ { "policyId": "0ccc3321662d491c86b32554ea84e4e9", "policyName": "Security-High", "threatLevel": 9, "constraintViolations": [ { "constraintId": "d2dfc91f3bf4460ba0da3f7201e4adb7", "constraintName": "CVSS >=7 and <10", "reasons": [ { "reason": "Found 2 Security Vulnerabilities with Severity >= 7" }, { "reason": "Found 4 Security Vulnerabilities with Severity < 10" }, { "reason": "Found 4 Security Vulnerabilities with Status OPEN" } ] } ] }, { "policyId": "0f1b57e6788c4e9bb0f65cde3b6e9f1c", "policyName": "Security-Medium", "threatLevel": 7, "constraintViolations": [ { "constraintId": "12a71811de694876b51e4c06c10bad76", "constraintName": "CVSS >=4 and <7", "reasons": [ { "reason": "Found 4 Security Vulnerabilities with Severity >= 4" }, { "reason": "Found 2 Security Vulnerabilities with Severity < 7" }, { "reason": "Found 4 Security Vulnerabilities with Status OPEN" } ] } ] } ] } } ], "isError": false, "errorMessage": null }
The last bit of information indicates if there were any errors encountered during the evaluation. In this example, there were no errors.
The returned component hash value is truncated and is meant to be used as an identifier that can be passed into subsequent REST API calls. It is not intended to be used as a checksum.