Released January 9, 2024
Highlights in This Release |
Quality Improvements This release primarily focuses on improving Sonatype Nexus Repository quality through various bug fixes, including a critical performance improvement for the database migrator and a fix for a constraint that prevented customers from proxying specific npm components. Note: Pre-release binaries for version 3.64.0 were inadvertently made available on some download links pulling the latest Sonatype Nexus Repository version. We then discovered a bug in the 3.64.0-03 binaries causing authentication errors for some SAML implementations. We fixed this bug and have released new binaries. Please ensure you are using the 3.64.0-04 binaries to get all fixes in this release. |
Quality Improvements
This release primarily focuses on improving Sonatype Nexus Repository quality through various bug fixes.
Dependency Changes
logback-classic and logback-core updated to 1.2.13
upgraded jackson version from 2.15.0 to 2.15.3
upgraded snakeyaml version from 2.0 to 2.2
upgraded swagger version from 1.6.2 to 1.6.11
Bug Fixes | Description |
NEXUS-23410 | If previously configured SAML IdP field mapping values change, Sonatype Nexus Repository will update the user's profile with the new values as expected. |
NEXUS-31215 | Fixed an issue that was causing some PyPi assets to be missing from the Browse screen after migrating from OrientDB to PostgreSQL. |
NEXUS-32028 | Changed the logging level from WARN to DEBUG in the blobstore class that tracks attributes of an asset being accessed in an unexpected soft-deleted state. This will prevent spamming the main nexus.log with messages at a WARN level for operations considered normal when running the compact blob store task. |
NEXUS-35207 | Fixed an issue that was preventing the GA last-modified date from being updated in the maven-metadata.xml when deploying a new GAV in some instances after migrating from Sonatype Nexus Repository 2 to 3. As part of this fix, the Last Modified date is no longer visible in the Browse UI view; you can still tell when the maven-metadata.xml was last updated by looking at the Blob Updated date in the UI or using the REST API. |
NEXUS-35741 | Added validation to prevent users from updating an existing task with an invalid cron_expression. |
NEXUS-35956 | Resolved an issue that was breaking pagination when a given Docker repository is inside of a group. |
NEXUS-38856 | The NotFoundCache is not populated with paths when a repository is in an auto-blocked or manually blocked state. |
NEXUS-39935 | There is no longer an error when installing pods ('OpenSSL-Universal', '1.1.1100') via a Sonatype Nexus Repository 3 Cocoapods proxy repository. |
NEXUS-40140, NEXUS-40712 | The import and export tasks work as expected on npm assets without unexpectedly skipping any and while correctly preserving attributes. |
NEXUS-40345 | Resolved an issue that was preventing certain npm packages from being proxied from the official registry. This fix included the following dependency version changes:
NEXUS-40495 | Increased the browse node sequence limit for H2 and PostgreSQL implementations so that the database schema will not run out of sequence values. |
NEXUS-40514 | Any attempt to change the blob store of an existing repository via the REST API will be rejected with an HTTP 400 response. |
NEXUS-40610 | Resolved an issue that was preventing some users from uploading Jruby gems with "-java" in their version names to hosted ruby repositories. |
NEXUS-40639 | FluentAssets and FluentComponents are now able to retrieve assets in group repository storage. |
NEXUS-40771 | Using "%3A" or a colon for URL encoded strings in raw repositories now works as expected. |
NEXUS-40775 | Database Migrator: Made filtering change to reduce load on the database migrator, improving database migrator performance. |
NEXUS-40808 | Database Migrator: The database migrator now gracefully handles characters that PostgreSQL does not support. |