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Sonatype Nexus Repository 3.64.0 Release Notes

Released January 9, 2024

Highlights in This Release

Quality Improvements

This release primarily focuses on improving Sonatype Nexus Repository quality through various bug fixes, including a critical performance improvement for the database migrator and a fix for a constraint that prevented customers from proxying specific npm components.

Note: Pre-release binaries for version 3.64.0 were inadvertently made available on some download links pulling the latest Sonatype Nexus Repository version. We then discovered a bug in the 3.64.0-03 binaries causing authentication errors for some SAML implementations. We fixed this bug and have released new binaries.

Please ensure you are using the 3.64.0-04 binaries to get all fixes in this release.

Quality Improvements

This release primarily focuses on improving Sonatype Nexus Repository quality through various bug fixes.

Dependency Changes

  • logback-classic and logback-core updated to 1.2.13

  • upgraded jackson version from 2.15.0 to 2.15.3

  • upgraded snakeyaml version from 2.0 to 2.2

  • upgraded swagger version from 1.6.2 to 1.6.11

Bug Fixes



If previously configured SAML IdP field mapping values change, Sonatype Nexus Repository will update the user's profile with the new values as expected.


Fixed an issue that was causing some PyPi assets to be missing from the Browse screen after migrating from OrientDB to PostgreSQL.


Changed the logging level from WARN to DEBUG in the blobstore class that tracks attributes of an asset being accessed in an unexpected soft-deleted state. This will prevent spamming the main nexus.log with messages at a WARN level for operations considered normal when running the compact blob store task.


Fixed an issue that was preventing the GA last-modified date from being updated in the maven-metadata.xml when deploying a new GAV in some instances after migrating from Sonatype Nexus Repository 2 to 3.

As part of this fix, the Last Modified date is no longer visible in the Browse UI view; you can still tell when the maven-metadata.xml was last updated by looking at the Blob Updated date in the UI or using the REST API.


Added validation to prevent users from updating an existing task with an invalid cron_expression.


Resolved an issue that was breaking pagination when a given Docker repository is inside of a group.


The NotFoundCache is not populated with paths when a repository is in an auto-blocked or manually blocked state.


There is no longer an error when installing pods ('OpenSSL-Universal', '1.1.1100') via a Sonatype Nexus Repository 3 Cocoapods proxy repository.

NEXUS-40140, NEXUS-40712

The import and export tasks work as expected on npm assets without unexpectedly skipping any and while correctly preserving attributes.


Resolved an issue that was preventing certain npm packages from being proxied from the official registry. This fix included the following dependency version changes:

  • upgraded jackson version from 2.15.0 to 2.15.3

  • upgraded snakeyaml version from 2.0 to 2.2

  • upgraded swagger version from 1.6.2 to 1.6.11


Increased the browse node sequence limit for H2 and PostgreSQL implementations so that the database schema will not run out of sequence values.


Any attempt to change the blob store of an existing repository via the REST API will be rejected with an HTTP 400 response.


Resolved an issue that was preventing some users from uploading Jruby gems with "-java" in their version names to hosted ruby repositories.


FluentAssets and FluentComponents are now able to retrieve assets in group repository storage.


Using "%3A" or a colon for URL encoded strings in raw repositories now works as expected.


Database Migrator: Made filtering change to reduce load on the database migrator, improving database migrator performance.


Database Migrator: The database migrator now gracefully handles characters that PostgreSQL does not support.