ALP Dashboard REST APIs
The experimental REST APIs on this page provide a programmatic access to the same underlying datasets as used on the Legal Obligations page for the Advanced Legal Pack (ALP).
The Legal Obligations page is accessible from the Legal option in the left navigation bar of Sonatype Lifecycle.
Methods Supported:
Retrieve the Legal Review Status for All Applications
Use the POST method to retrieve the legal review status of all applications.
POST /api/experimental/licenseLegalMetadata/dashboard/applications
curl -u username:password -H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8070/api/experimental/licenseLegalMetadata/dashboard/applications --data-raw '{"applicationIds":[],"organizationIds":[],"stageTypeIds":[],"tagIds":[],"reviewStatus":[],"page":1,"pageSize":75,"order":null}'
The filter criteria can include organization Ids, stage Ids, tag Ids (application categories), and review progress.
The response contains the legal review status of all applications that meet the given filter criteria.
Retrieve the Legal Review Status for all Components in an Application
Use the POST method to retrieve the licenses and obligations all components an application.
POST /api/experimental/licenseLegalMetadata/dashboard/application/{applicationPublicId}
curl -u username:password -H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8070/api/experimental/licenseLegalMetadata/dashboard/application/client-frameworks --data-raw '{"stageTypeIds":["release"]}'
The response contains the component names, licenses, highest license threat group and completed review status (completed obligations) for the selected application and stage.
Retrieve the Legal Review Status for All Components
Use the POST method to retrieve the legal review status for all components (or the specified component).
POST /api/experimental/licenseLegalMetadata/dashboard/components
curl 'http://localhost:8070/api/experimental/licenseLegalMetadata/dashboard/components' -u username:password -H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"applicationIds":[],"organizationIds":[],"stageTypeIds":[],"tagIds":[],"reviewStatus":[],"page":1,"pageSize":50,"order":null,"componentName":"glassfish"}'
The filter criteria can include organization Ids, stage Ids, tag Ids (application categories), review progress, pagination, and the component name.
The response contains all component names (or similar to the specified component name), the licenses, highest license threat group, count of applications the component is used in, pagination criteria and the review status, that match the filter criteria.