Component End-of-Life
Sonatype captures the declared End-of-Life (EOL) for open-source software (OSS) projects. Components that are end-of-life declare either in project metadata, readme files, or other official locations that they are no longer supported and have reached "end-of-life".
EOL components do not receive enhancements, security issues may go unreported and unpatched while bug fixes are ignored. A lack of updates to EOL components may present a sense stability and of false security; leaving consumers open to the risk of being exploited.
This dashboard displays a list of applications and the corresponding EOL components detected by Lifecycle. Based on this data, you can strategically plan to retire old OSS components and migrate to the latest supported ones.
The EOL dashboard currently displays components of npm, Maven, NuGet, and PyPI format/ecosystems.
Component EOL Dashboard
Data Refresh Frequency: At 8:00 PM UTC daily
Displays Data for: Last 90 days
Minimum Requirements: None
This section contains a list of all application IDs (or application names, if available) containing EOL components.

Filter Options
Select the filtering options located at the top of the page, to view the EOL components of a specific name, type of dependency (direct/transitive), for any specific application, of any specific component format, or having any specific EOL date.

End-of-Life Components
This section contains a list of EOL components found in your applications with their format, dependency type, and EOL date. The number of occurrences of a component in this table depends on how they are used within the application.
You will be able to view only the EOL components that are found in the applications you have access to.
The EOL dashboard currently displays components of npm, Maven, NuGet, and PyPI format/ecosystems.

Other Supported Operations
Download the underlying data by selecting the vertical dots icon on the right top corner of this dashboard.

Using the option, send the data to an email address. Supported formats are PDF
, or PNG
The recurrence and time fields may be used to set the timing of your data delivery options.
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An error occurred loading data. Dashboard is null or empty.

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Data Insights
Select the dashboard you want to view, to reload the visualizations
Select the refresh icon on the top right to refresh the page.