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Vulnerability Analysis Details REST API

This experimental Vulnerability Analysis Details API allows you to maintain VEX information, by adding, updating or removing the analysis tag from a report’s vulnerability data. It accepts a POST request with a set of Cyclone DX formatted analysis details, with a reference vulnerability id to be updated (replaced or added). It also accepts a DELETE post for a specific vulnerability id to have the analysis elements removed.

User permissions are required to invoke this API call

  • Edit IQ Elements

Methods supported:

  1. POST to add or update one or more vulnerabilities of a given report

  2. DELETE to remove details from a single vulnerability

Add or update vulnerability analysis details

Analysis details can be updated or added making an authenticated HTTP POST request:

POST /api/experimental/vex/application/{applicationInternalId}/report/{scanId}

With body payload, a json array of vulnerabilities analysis details:

{ "vulnerabilities": [
         "id": "...<vulnerability id>...",
         "analysis": {
            "state": "not_affected",
            "justification": "code_not_reachable",
            "response": [
            "detail": "An optional explanation of why the application is not affected by the vulnerable component."


  • 200 Ok: with the updates results as the body

  • 404 Not Found: if the application or scan Ids are not found

The success response will contain a body with the results of applying each of the given vulnerabilities updates, of the format:

        "vulnerability Id" : "Update result",

Updates results can be:

  • ADDED : the vulnerability exist in the report and did not have any previous details.

  • UPDATED: the vulnerability had existing analysis details and those were replaced with the new ones

  • NOT_FOUND: the given vulnerability was not found in the report and no analysis details were added.


curl --location 'http://testIQserver/api/experimental/vex/application/a21d75b2079f47c58df99ccfb70054b0/report/37245ca1cee9483ba48b087c6205f47e' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4xMjM=' \
--header 'Cookie: CLM-CSRF-TOKEN=dd815142-f85b-4db5-9ef8-4f6621679a01' \
--data '{
    "vulnerabilities": [
            "id": "CVE-2021-41495",
            "analysis": {
                "state": "not_affected",
                "justification": "code_not_reachable",
                "response": ["will_not_fix", "update" ],
                "detail": "simply for test."
            "id": "CVE-2021-41496",
            "analysis": {
                "state": "in_triage",
                "justification": "requires_configuration",
                "response": ["will_not_fix", "workaround_available"],
                "detail": "An optional explanation of why the application is not affected by the vulnerable component."


    "CVE-2021-41496": "ADDED",
    "CVE-2021-41495": "UPDATED"

Remove vulnerability analysis details

DELETE /api/experimental/vex/application/{appInternalId}/report/{scanId}/{vulnerabilityId}


  • 200 Ok: with the removed vulnerability analysis details

  • 204 No Content: if the given vulnerability does not contain any analysis details

  • 404 Not Found: if the report or vulnerability are not found


curl --location --request DELETE 'http://testIQserver/api/experimental/vex/application/a21d75b2079f47c58df99ccfb70054b0/report/37245ca1cee9483ba48b087c6205f47e/CVE-2021-41496' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4xMjM=' \
--header 'Cookie: CLM-CSRF-TOKEN=dd815142-f85b-4db5-9ef8-4f6621679a01'


    "id": "CVE-2021-41496",
    "analysis": {
        "state": "not_affected",
        "justification": "code_not_reachable",
        "response": [
        "detail": "An optional explanation ..."