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Configuring npm

Once you have set up your hosted and proxy repositories for npm packages and created a repository group to merge them, you can access them with the npm tool on the command line as one registry.


Once you create an npm proxy repository, do not change the remote server URL. Doing so may result in 404s as Nexus Repository attempts to retrieve cached data. Instead, create a new proxy repository.

You can configure the registry used by npm in your .npmrc file located in your user's home directory with the npm config command and the public URL of your repository group available in the repository list by clicking the copy button in the URL column of either Administration → Repository → Repositories or user's Browse page.

For example:

npm config set registry http://localhost:8081/repository/npm-all/

The command inserts the configuration in the .npmrc file in your users home directory.

Registry configuration in .npmrc

registry = http://localhost:8081/repository/npm-all/

With this configuration, any npm commands will use the new registry from the repository manager. The command line output will reference the URLs in --verbose mode or with info logging for the downloads of the requested packages:

$ npm --loglevel info install grunt
npm http fetch GET http://localhost:8081/repository/npmjs-org/grunt/-/grunt-0.4.5.tgz
npm http fetch 200 http://localhost:8081/repository/npmjs-org/grunt/-/grunt-0.4.5.tgz
npm http fetch GET http://localhost:8081/repository/npm-all/underscore/-/underscore-1.7.0.tgz
npm http fetch 200 http://localhost:8081/repository/npm-all/underscore/-/underscore-1.7.0.tgz