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Sonatype customers are required to sign up for to designate individuals as authorized contacts for Sonatype's support. is a self-service hub for managing Sonatype products and is required for opening support tickets.

Creating an Account

  1. Visit and select "sign in" at the upper right

  2. Select "sign up" at the bottom of the page

  3. Enter the requested information and select "sign up" to confirm

  4. You will be asked to verify your email address

    1. Visit your email inbox and select the email titled "Verify email." This email will come from

    2. Select the link provided in the email

    3. Select "Click here to proceed"

Signing In

To sign in:

  1. Visit and select "sign in" at the top right

  2. Enter your credentials and select "sign in"

When an account already exists for you and your organization is using a Google or GitHub as an SSO solution, select the Google or GitHub buttons at the bottom of the page to sign in.


Creating an Organization

Your company is identified as an Organization within As the account owner, you will need to create an Organization to manage your Sonatype product license.

To create an organization:

  1. Login to

  2. Select the dropdown menu at the top right and select "Organizations"

  3. Select "Create Organization"

  4. Name your Organization and provide a short description, then select "Next." Optionally, you can upload a picture to serve as an avatar for your Organization.

On the next page, you'll be prompted to upload a license file.

Verifying an Organization

You are required to verify your Organization before you can designate your Support Contacts.

You'll be prompted to verify your organization when you first create it. If you did not verify your organization at that time, you can follow the steps below.

  1. Login to

  2. Select the dropdown menu at the top right and select "Organizations"

  3. Select the Organization you want to verify

  4. Select "Licenses" on the left toolbar, and then select "Verify Now"

    Verify your license on
  5. Enter your license fingerprint into the text field. You can find your license fingerprint from:

    1. The email you received when your license was created

    2. The Product License Configuration screen in the IQ Server

    3. Administration → System → Licensing in Repository Manager

  6. Select "Verify License"

Adding Members to an Organization

Once you have an organization in place, you will need to populate it with members. When you verify your organization, we will try to integrate any existing members from our support case management system into the organization you just created.

However, you can also manually invite members into your organization.

  1. Login to

  2. Select the dropdown menu at the top right and select "Organizations"

  3. Select the Organization you want to add members to

  4. Select "Members" on the left toolbar, and then select "Invite Members"

    Inviting organization members using access management
  5. Enter the email address of the person you want to invite to the organization, then select "Send Invitations"

This will email instructions for signing up for Once that person creates an account with the specified email address, they'll automatically be added to your Organization.

Assigning Support Contacts

Authorized support contacts are the people in your organization whom you assign to serve as the conduit between your company and the Sonatype support team. They are chosen from the pool of existing members in your organization.

  • All organizations can assign up to four Support Contacts

  • Being a member of an Organization does not automatically make them a Support Contact

  • Only verified Organizations can have Support Contacts

  • Individuals who have been invited to an Organization but haven't responded to the invite email cannot be designated a Support Contact

To assign Support Contacts:

  1. Login to

  2. Select the dropdown menu at the top right and select "Organizations"

  3. Select the Organization to which you will assign Support Contacts

  4. Select "Support Contacts" on the left toolbar, and then select "Assign Contact"

  5. Select the name of the person, then select "Assign Now"

  6. In the popup dialog, select "Yes"