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Reference Policies

The reference policy set may be downloaded and imported manually. This is primarily to remove the current policies without having to start over with server configuration.

The following datatypes are included in the reference policy

policies, actions, notifications, labels (Application Categories), policyViolationGrandfatheringAllowed (Legacy Violations), licenseThreatGroups, tags (Component Labels),  policyTags

See this knowledge base article on how to export policy.


Importing the reference policy is destructive to existing data in Lifecycle.

Importing policies will also replace the references used in policy violations, waivers, application categories, component labels, legacy violations, notifications, actions, and license threat groups.

Lifecycle Releases

Reference Policy

release 140


release 106 to 139


release 97 to 105


release 91 to 96


release 50 to 90


release 22 to 49


release 21 or older


Importing policies requires the Owner role at the root organization.

  1. From the Actions menu and select Import Policies.

  2. Select the Choose File button and select the policy.json file in the file browser.

  3. Select the Import