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Install Nexus Repository on OpenShift

Only available in Sonatype Nexus Repository Pro. Interested in a free trial? Start here.


You must meet the following prerequisites to install Nexus Repository using the OpenShift operator:

  • Running the OpenShift platform with access to RedHat repositories and Administrator privileges

  • A separate OpenShift project for Nexus Repository

  • A PostgreSQL database accessible to the OpenShift cluster

  • A Base64-encoded Sonatype Nexus Repository license file; see the following example, which uses an example file named nx-license.lic

    $ base64 nx-license.lic
  • Meet the System Requirements for High Availability Deployments.


The default configuration uses an emptyDir volume for storing Sonatype Nexus Repository logs. However, we recommend configuring dynamic provisioning of persistent storage based on your deployment environment.

Cloud Deployments (AWS, Azure)

Ensure the appropriate Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver(s) are installed for your chosen OpenShift cloud deployment (AWS, Azure).

For Red Hat OpenShift on AWS (ROSA), CSI drivers for dynamically provisioning EBS volumes are installed by default; view the storage classes in your cluster web console.

OpenShift Service on AWS storage class

Refer to OpenShift documentation for details on configuring CSI drivers.

On-Premises Deployments

  1. Attach separate disks (i.e., separate from the root disk) to your worker nodes.

  2. Follow the OpenShift local persistent storage documentation and Local Storage Operator documentation to install the Local Storage Operator.

  3. Use the Local Storage Operator to automatically create persistent volumes for your chosen storage class name.

    See the OpenShift documentation

Configuring the Operator for Dynamic Persistent Volume Provisioning

  1. Set the parameter to a storage class name. This could be one of the default storage classes automatically created in your OpenShift cluster (e.g., if you're using ROSA) or one that you would like the operator to create.

    1. If you would like to create a dedicated storage class (i.e., you don't want to use the default), then in addition to specifying a value for, you must also set nexusData.storageClass.enabled parameter to true.

    2. Set the nexusData.volumeClaimTemplate.enabled parameter to true.

Migrating from the OrientDB Operator

The OrientDB operator was sunsetted on December 15, 2023. The new operator is called "Nexus Repository HA Certified Operator."

There is no direct migration path from the old operator to the new operator as the old one used the embedded OrientDB database while the new one requires that you migrate to PostgreSQL. The new operator requires a Pro license.

To use the new operator, you need to uninstall the old operator, migrate to PostgreSQL, obtain a Pro license, and install the new operator as outlined in the installation instructions below.

See Migrating to a New Database

Installation Steps

  1. Log into the OpenShift UI as an administrator.

  2. Navigate to Operators → Operator Hub; locate and install (if not already installed) the Nexus Repository HA Operator in an existing or new project.

    OperatorHub screen shot

    Complete the remaining steps for the operator to be fully operational.

  3. After installing the operator, navigate to Operators → Installed Operators; select the Nexus Repository HA Operator to update the custom resource definitions.

    Installed Operators screen
  4. Select the NexusRepo tab; then, select the Create NexusRepo button.

    Installed Operators NexusRepos tab
  5. Provide a name for your custom resource definitions or keep the default and select Create.

    Create NexusRepo form
  6. The custom resource definition now appears in a table under the NexusRepo tab.

    NexusRepo tab in OpenShift UI
  7. Select the custom resource definition that you just created.

  8. Within the custom resource definition, navigate to the YAMLtab.

    YAML tab within operator
  9. Update the following attributes in the YAML:

    1. Set the following property.

      spec.ingress.defaultRule = true
    2. If you have more than one Docker repository, you need to either use a reverse proxy or subdomain connector.

      We recommend choosing one of these methods.

      1. If you use a reverse proxy, you do not need to change anything for spec.ingress.dockerSubdomain or spec.ingress.dockerIngress from their default values. Proceed to step 9d.

      2. If you will use a subdomain connector, set the following:

        spec.ingress.dockerSubdomain = true
    3. If you will have only one Docker repository and plan to use port connectors, set the following attributes instead:

      spec.ingress.dockerIngress.enabled = true = <desired hostname>
    4. spec.ingress.enabled = true
    5. = <prefix name>.<openshift cluster hostname>

      1. Use the hostname of your OpenShift cluster with the appropriate prefix

    6. If TLS is required, set the following attributes:

      spec.ingress.tls.enabled = true
      spec.ingress.tls.secretName = <tls secret name>

      Follow Kubernetes's documentation for creating a TLS secret and Ingress

    7. If you have not already done so, convert your license file to Base64-encoded format using a command like the following:

      $ base64 <license file.lic>

      Add the result of the above command to spec.license.fileContentBase64

    8. If you will be using High Availability (HA), set the following:

      spec.statefulset.env.clustered = true
    9. spec.statefulset.env.jdbcUrl = <postgresql-jdbc-url>
      spec.statefulset.env.password = <db-password>
      spec.statefulset.env.user = <db-username>
      spec.statefulset.env.nexusInitialPassword = <intial-admin-password>
      spec.statefulset.env.replicaCount =<number-of-instances>
  10. Select Save.

  11. Select Reload.

  12. In the OpenShift UI, navigate to Workloads → StatefulSets.

  13. Delete the StatefulSet that is similar to "nxrm-ha-59-0-0-nexus repo-statefulset" (as shown in the example below) to apply the updated configuration.


    After the StatefulSet starts again, it will take a few minutes for the pods to be active and running. Proceed to the next step after the pods are running.

    Statefulsets list
  14. In the OpenShift UI, navigate to Networking → Routes; the URL for accessing your Nexus Repository instance appears in the Location column.

    Routes screen

Upgrading an OpenShift Operator

Upgrading an OpenShift Operator can be done through the OpenShift console or the command-line interface (CLI). Here's a general guide, but always refer to the specific Operator's documentation for any unique instructions:

  1. Navigate to Installed Operators: In the OpenShift console, go to "Operators" > "Installed Operators."

  2. Find Your Operator: Locate the Operator you want to upgrade in the list. Operators with available updates will typically show an "Upgrade available" status.

  3. Initiate the Upgrade: Click on the Operator name. On the Operator details page, you'll usually find an "Upgrade" button or a similar option.

  4. Select Channel (If Applicable): Some Operators offer different update channels (e.g., stable, beta). Choose the channel you prefer for the upgrade.

  5. Review and Approve: Review the upgrade details, including the new version number and any release notes. Approve the upgrade to proceed.

  6. Monitor Progress: OpenShift will handle the upgrade process. Monitor the status to ensure the Operator is upgraded successfully.

Important Notes

  • Operator Documentation: Consult the specific Operator's documentation for the most accurate and up-to-date upgrade instructions.

  • Backup: It's a good practice to back up your cluster or relevant resources before upgrading an Operator, especially in production environments.

  • Dependencies: Be aware of any dependencies the Operator might have. Upgrading could affect other components in your cluster. Rollback: Have a rollback plan in case issues arise during the upgrade.

  • Testing: If possible, test the Operator upgrade in a non-production environment first to identify any potential problems.