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Priorities View

The Priorities View is accessible from the Reports in the left navigation bar.

Click on the View Priorities link under the specific stage column (source/build/stage Release/release) on the Reports page, for the required application.

The top section shows the name of the branch evaluated, evaluation triggered by, abbreviated git commit hash, the commit timestamp, and stage of evaluation.


The Reason for Priority Column

The prioritization of remediation is determined by the Sonatype proprietary Prioritization Algorithm. Learn more about the Prioritization Algorithm.

Why is Prioritization Necessary?

The limited availability of resources (developer time) and tight deliverable deadlines, remediating policy violations during the development process may cause scope creep.

To prevent excessive scope creep and impacts to the sprint activities, remediation tasks can be prioritized. This allows lesser deadline disruptions, while maintaining a good security posture.

Prioritizing also helps prevent future or downstream use of the vulnerable components, leading to reduced policy violations.

The Suggested Fix Column

The Suggested Fix column shows the component version available to remediate the policy violation. The component suggestions include :

  1. recommended-non-breaking-with-dependencies


    This is the Golden Version

  2. recommended-non-breaking

  3. next-no-violation with dependencies

  4. next-no-violation

  5. next-non-failing with dependencies

  6. next-non-failing

Click on a row, to view the component details page to view the version explorer and compare versions to select a component for remediation.

The Fail/Warn Policy Action Filter

Use the Fail/Warn policy action filter to view the priorities based on whether the policy violation has a fail/warn policy action associated with it.
