Support Features
Nexus Repository has features to manage and monitor your server for issues. This is useful for troubleshooting and support activities.
Support features are available in the Support view of the Administration menu.
Support ZIP
Administrators may produce a support zip by navigating to Administration → Support → Support Zip. Submit the generated ZIP archive file to Sonatype support by email or attach it to a support ticket.
Sensitive password-related information is removed from the generated files. You are prompted to verify your repository manager account credentials when generating the support zip.
Single Instance Environment
In non-highly available deployments, the support ZIP archive files are stored on the server under the $data-dir/downloads
directory named as the time the file was generated.

To generate a support zip:
Select the cog icon in the top toolbar to open the administration interface.
Select the Support and then Support Zip sidebar menu options.
Select the contents you would like to include in your support zip; then select Create support Zip.
When the support zip is generated, you are taken to a screen like the one below where you can see the name, size, and path of the zip file as well as download the file with the Download button.

High Availability Environment
In highly available deployments, each node may need to generate a support zip to properly diagnose issues. These zips are stored in the oldest shared blob store available to each node. You must have a blob store shared across all nodes to create a support zip.
A screenshot and details about creating a support zip in a High Availability (HA) environment are below; the experience varies slightly for non-HA environments.
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When a support zip has not been created for a given node, no zip created is displayed.
Follow the steps below to generate a new support zip:
To generate a support zip for a node, select the cog icon in the top toolbar to open the administration interface.
Select Support and then Support ZIP sidebar menu items.
Select the Generate new Zip button for the given node; alternatively, select the Generate Zip from all nodes button to generate new support zips for all nodes using the same settings you will configure in the next step
In the form that appears, select the contents to include.
Select the Create support zip button; support zip creation may take some time. A spinner appears while generation is taking place.
The spinner disappears when the support zip is ready. Refresh your screen to see the new download link(s) in the node cards if a previous support zip existed for a node. The new download link appears without refresh when no zip exists.
Select the link to download the zip file.
Locate the support zip in the shared blob store in the following path:
High-availability nodes not shut down gracefully continue to appear on the Support Zip page for a few seconds.