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Golden PR for GitHub

Sonatype IQ Server plugin for GitHub creates a Pull Request (PR) comment, if it is able to determine a Golden Version of the component that can remediate the policy violation.

The Golden Version of the component is defined as recommended-non-breaking-with-dependencies.

Sonatype IQ Server plugin for GitHub creates a Golden Pull Request (PR) automatically, if it is able to determine a Golden Version of the component that can remediate the policy violation. Refer to example 3 below.


1. A top-level Golden PR comment for a Golden Version of a component will be seen as below. The version upgrade information indicates that bumping to a version will resolve all policy violations for this component (including its dependencies) and result in no breaking changes.


2. A Golden PR line comment will be seen as below. The Golden Version of the component is indicated by a gold star.


3. A Golden PR (indicated by a gold star,) will be created as below, indicating the suggested component version, i.e. Golden Version. This is a safe-to-use version with no breaking changes, no policy violations (including its dependencies) and can be used to remediate the policy violations.
