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Component Details Page

The Component Details Page is where you can drill down on individual components that appear in your scanned applications, along with the policy violations associated with them.


At the top of the Component Details Page, underneath the name of the component, are a few important details, including the hierarchy location of the application that was scanned and a timestamp for when the report was generated.


Underneath, you'll see tags, which are color-coded identifiers that can help you rapidly determine some important biographic and relational information about the component. A list of possible tags is below.

93489736.png 93489735.png& others

Indicates the ecosystem the component is sourced from, if applicable.


Indicates the component is a direct dependency.


Indicates the component is a transitive dependency.


Indicates the component is an innersource dependency.


Indicates the component is an innersource direct dependency.


Indicates the component is an innersource transitive dependency.

If the component has any Labels applied to it, they'll be included with the tags. You can identify labels by the icon at the start of the identifier, like in the example below.



Component Information Section

In the Component Information section, you'll see some basic information about the component. The table below outlines the details provided by the Component Information section.


The age of the component is based on when it was first added to the source from which it was identified.

Match State

How the component was matched in comparison with IQ Server's database of extant components (exact, similar, or unknown)


The number of times the component was found in the application. Click the link to see the paths where the component was found. This information is provided to help you detect accidental shipping of duplicate component archives or a misconfiguration of your actual report creation target.

Identification Source

What is the component identification based on:

  • Sonatype - When the identification is based on IQ server data sources

  • Manual - When the identification is based on a component claimed by you or a teammate

  • Clair - When the identification is done based on a Clair scan result

  • Package Manifest - When the identification is based on any manifest file scan


What the component is used for, as categorized by Sonatype. Possible values include designations like "Data Protocols," "Logging," "Networking Utilities," etc. This is the same category that can be used to set a policy's constraint.

Note that details on the left side of the section are contextual to the ecosystem from which the component was drawn. For example, a component from Maven will show "Group" and "Artifact" identifiers, but a component from npm will show the "packageId" identifier instead.


When scanning an SBOM that contains a proprietary component, whilst it may not violate the “unknown components” policy, it is still identified as “unknown” by Lifecycle.

View Coordinates


Click on the View Coordinates button in the top right section of Overview for detailed component coordinates.

The Copy to Clipboard button allows copying long and complicated package URL for use in other places.


Risk Remediation Section


Version Explorer

The 93489728.png Version Explorer allows you to quickly view details about other versions of the component. The current component is indicated by the vertical gray bar. The popularity of the component is indicated by the green bars at the top. The more popular a component is, the larger the bar.

Color markers show expected policy violations. The colors here match the policy violation colors you see elsewhere in IQ Server. For expected policy violations, red markers indicate a very high-risk level, while orange, yellow, and blue markers indicate lower risk levels. No marker indicates no threat.

Breaking Changes also appears in the Version Explorer. Yellow, orange, and red markers indicate increasing numbers of breaking changes, while blue markers indicate no breaking changes. Note that Breaking Changes is currently only available for the Maven ecosystem.

Golden Version

NOTE: The Golden Version recommendation is currently available for the Maven ecosystem only.

Sonatype's Component Intelligence scores a component version as the Golden Version if it falls under the recommended-non-breaking-with-dependencies category of recommendation. This is a safe-to-use version of the component (including its dependencies) with no resulting breaking changes, that can be used for upgrade to remediate the reported policy violation.


Compare Versions

The 93489729.png Compare Versions table is new with the Component Details Page. In the left-hand column are details about the component currently being used in your application. If you click another version of the component in the Version Explorer or click "Compare" in the Recommended Versions section, information about that version of the component will populate in the right-hand column. This allows you to rapidly and thoroughly compare your original component with possible replacements.

The table below outlines the details provided in the Compare Versions table.


The version number of the selected component.

Highest Policy Threat

The highest threat level policy that has been violated, as well as the total number of violations. The value may be NA if all threats have been waived.

Highest CVSS Score

The highest threat level security vulnerability and the total number of security vulnerabilities. The value may be NA if all threats have been waived. The value may be None if the component hasn't violated any security policies.

License Violation Threat

The highest threat level license policy violation and the total number of license policy violations. The value may be NA if all threats have been waived. The value may be None if the component hasn't violated any license policies.

Effective License

Licenses included in the Declared or Observed Group, or the overridden license.

Quality Violation Threat

The highest threat level quality policy violation and the total number of quality policy violations. The value may be NA if all threats have been waived. The value may be None if the component hasn't violated any quality policies.

Other Violation Threat

The highest threat level other violations and the total number of other violations. The value may be None if the component hasn't violated any other policies

Hygiene Rating

The quality (Laggard, Exemplar, None) of an open-source project. This is calculated based on the projects that exhibit the best and worst behaviors to producing quality open-source software.

Integrity Rating

The level of suspicion (Suspicious, Normal) of this version as determined by our machine-learning intelligence. Versions that are marked suspicious may be malicious. The value may be Not Applicable if no integrity data is applicable.


The age of the component is based on when it was first added to the source from which it was identified.

Dependency Tree section

The Dependency Tree section lets users analyze dependency relationships within a subtree of the Application Composition Report Dependency Tree. The subtree is comprised of all occurrences of the current component, its ancestors, and its descendants.

Clicking on a dependency takes the user to the Component Details Page for that component.



The Dependency Tree section is only available for Maven and npm ecosystems.

Policy Violations Tab

The Policy Violations tab shows all policy violations associated with the component. Clicking on the "View Existing Waivers" button on the right will show a pop-up that lists any active waivers associated with this component.


The Component Waivers pop-up contains waiver details including the policy/constraint name, the date created on, expiration date (if applicable), scope of the existing component waiver, name of the component the waiver applies to, the reason for applying the waiver, created by username and comments.


Violation Details Popover

Clicking on a violation in the Policy Violations tab brings up the Violation Details popover.


Here, you can see more information about the violation, including:

93489700.png: when the violation was first and last reported

First Reported indicates the date of the policy evaluation when this violation was first detected. If a previously reported violation is remediated (or waived), but is seen again in a policy evaluation report at a later date, the First Reported date is the new (later) date, and will not match the First Reported date in the previous violation.

93489701.png: the stage of the build where the policy violation was found

93489702.png: which part of the organization hierarchy owns the policy.


Remember, the organizational hierarchy has "Root Organization" at the top, "Organization" below that, and "Application" at the bottom. If the Policy Owner is the "Root Organization", then the policy is being applied to all Organizations and Applications. Likewise, if the Policy Owner is "Application", then the policy is being applied only to the current application.

The Policy Constraint section shows exactly how IQ Server's knowledge about the component interacts with the policy in question.

93489703.png: is a Condition, which you can think of as part of the if/then statement.

93489730.png: is a Constraint which is a grouping of active Conditions. In the example you see above, the Constraint consists of just one condition, and that condition is the presence of a security vulnerability.

If the policy violation isn't security related – for example, if the policy is about licensing or architecture – then the Violation Details popover ends here.

93489731.png: is seen if the policy violation is security-related. The bottom of the popover shows the vulnerability described in more detail. Details are pulled from applicable sources, like the National Vulnerability Database and Sonatype's own proprietary research, in order to describe why the component is vulnerable and how it could be exploited.

Managing Waivers

93489732.png: is the Manage Waivers button to request waivers for a component. If you're authorized, it's also where you'll add waivers.

Underneath the Manage Waivers button, you can see how many active waivers are associated with the component without needing to click.

Labels Tab

The Labels tab allows you to assign and manage labels to the component.

Claim Tab

If a component found during a scan is given a match state of Unknown or Similar, you can use the Claim tab to manually add details about it.

Audit Log Tab

When a user makes changes to the Status of a security vulnerability or the Status of a component’s license within the scope of a particular application, that information is recorded in the Audit Log.

Typically, resolving policy violations by changing a component's Status is riskier than using Waivers, because status changes are more difficult to track. When possible, use Waivers to accept the risk of a policy violation.

Next Component/Previous Component

At the bottom of the Component Details Page and frozen to the bottom of your browser window are buttons to take you to the next or previous component listed in the Application Composition Report, just as if you had used your browser's Back button and manually selected the next or previous component in the list.

Moving through the list of components in this way duplicates the "Aggregate by component" filtering option. This means that components only appear on the list once, regardless of how many policy violations they're associated with.