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Yum Analysis

The Yum coordinate-based matching feature provides the ability to scan and evaluate Yum package dependencies found in a yum-packages.txt file.

Supported Files

Files named yum-packages.txt are analyzed. (tab-separated list of Yum packages)


Lifecycle and Repository Firewall supports Yum components coming from the EPEL repository.

Parsed content

The first two segments corresponding to the name and version of the dependency are evaluated.

AntTweakBar.i386       1.14-5.el5
Analysis with the Sonatype CLI

Invoke a Sonatype CLI scan of a directory or subdirectories containing a yum-packages.txt file

  1. Create yum-packages.txt file

  2. Run the Yum list command and pipe results to a txt file

    yum list installed > yum-packages.txt
Example yum-packages.txt file
AntTweakBar.i386         1.14-5.el5            installed
AGReader.i686            1.2-6.el6             installed
389-admin.x86_64         1.1.29-1.el5          installed