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3.70.x Downloads (for OrientDB)

In release 3.71.0, Sonatype Nexus Repository began using H2 as its default embedded database. OrientDB is now in Extended Maintenance as defined in our Sunsetting documentation. Those wishing to upgrade to version 3.71.0 or above will need to migrate to either an H2 or PostgreSQL database. See our detailed help topic on Upgrading to 3.71.0 and beyond.

If you are not able to migrate to H2 or PostgreSQL, you will need to remain on our 3.70.x release line, which will receive critical bug fixes. You can find relevant 3.70.x downloads below.

Latest Nexus Repository 3.70.x Downloads

Sonatype Nexus Repository 3.70.2 is the latest release in the 3.70.x line.

See release notes for all 3.70.x releases at Sonatype Nexus Repository 3.70.0 - 3.70.2 Release Notes

Database Migrator Utility for 3.70.x

In order to migrate from OrientDB to H2 or PostgreSQL, you must first upgrade to the latest 3.70.x version and then use the Database Migrator utility version that matches your Nexus Repository version (e.g., use the 3.70.2 migrator utility with 3.70.2 Nexus Repository instances).

Version 3.70.2 is the latest Database Migrator utility release. (ASC,SHA1,SHA256,SHA512)


Older releases of the database migrator are not available for download.  Use the latest 3.70.x migrator with the latest 3.70.x Sonatype Nexus Repository version to ensure all migrator fixes and improvements are available during the migration process.