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Viewing Asset Information

Asset information is accessed from a component information view. The Delete button allows you to remove an asset. The information itself is broken up into sections, accessible by tabs below the Delete Asset button.



The Summary section contains several attributes about the specific asset.

  • Path:

    the path to the asset in the repository. This is a link, either downloadable or loading in the browser depending on the contents of the asset.

  • Content type:

    the MIME type of the asset

  • File size:

    the size of the file

  • Blob created:

    the date and time when the asset was created in the Sonatype Nexus Repository blob store

  • Blob updated:

    the date and time when the asset was updated last in the Sonatype Nexus Repository blob store. This will initially match the blob created.

  • Last 30 days:

    the number of times the asset was downloaded in the last thirty days

  • Last downloaded:

    The date when the asset was last downloaded (or updated). It will be updated when the asset is first downloaded and then on subsequent 200 and 304 responses. By default, this is prevented from updating too often for performance reasons and will only update once in any given 12-hour period.

    It is possible to override this setting by adding a Storage Settings capability (shown below) and configuring the 'Last Downloaded' Update Interval value.

  • Locally cached:

    value of true means the asset can be found in the repository manager storage while false indicates that the metadata about the asset is available, though the asset itself has not been downloaded

  • Blob reference:

    a unique identifier pointing at the binary blob representing the asset in the repository manager storage

  • Uploader:

    the user who uploaded the asset

  • Uploader's IP Address:

    the IP address of the individual who uploaded or requested the asset


The Attributes section contains metadata of the asset such as the last time the cache has been verified and the various checksums. Assets include format-specific attributes displayed in additional sections.


An asset in a Maven2 repository details the following attributes:

extension, baseVersion, groupId, artifactId, version, asset_kind

Component Tags

The Component Tags tab is a list of the repository tags associated with the selected component.

Selecting the row displays the tag details.


Component IQ

When the IQ Server is connected, the Component IQ tab displays security information and license details about for known components.