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Firewall Dashboard

The updated firewall dashboard displays a performance summary of Firewall operations. Under these metrics are details for all repository components currently in quarantine. These results are sorted by the most recently quarantined component and can be filtered using the See details below links from each performance metric.

The Firewall Dashboard includes a summary of activity and quarantined components.

Summary Metrics

The top of the display lists the number of components being monitored in quarantine-enabled repositories.

Supply chain attacks blocked

malicious components blocked from download

Namespace attacks blocked (more)

components blocked from the public repositories with private namespaces

Components quarantined

all components with failing policy violations

Components auto-released

components auto-released after violations have been resolved

Safe components auto-selected

Firewall auto-selected safe versions of these components

Components waived

components where the failing violations have been waived in the last 12 months

Quarantined Components

The quarantine results contain components currently in quarantine across all Firewall-enabled repositories. The results can be navigated using the filters or pagination controls. The default sort is by Quarantine Date (desc) > Threat Level (desc) > Component Name (desc). Selecting the Quarantine Date column header will change the sort order for the components across all the pages.


Threat level of the highest policy violation

Policy Name

Policy name of the highest policy violation

Quarantine Date

The date the component was quarantined


The quarantined components in a repository


The proxy repository the component was quarantined from. Following the link will take you to the detailed results for just that repository

Selecting a table row displays the Component Information Panel for that component.

Quarantine Dashboard

The quarantine dashboard has been replaced with the Firewall Dashboard.