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Searching for Components

Searching for components finds information about specific artifacts in the repository. Use this for research into available components, to integrate with your build tool migrations, to download packages, and for quality assurance.

Searching Overview

Component search is available in the search bar at the top and the Search button on the side navigation. The following permissions are required to use the search bar in the UI and find components from specific repositories:

repository-view (per repository)

After entering a search, the first 300 results are visible in the component list. Selecting a component in the list changes to a display of the component information.

More Criteria Drop-down

Use the more criteria dropdown to add additional search criteria to your query. This criteria includes specific metadata fields for the repository as well as format-specific criteria.

  • Selecting specific criteria adds a new search field for you to enter into.

  • Criteria may be removed by selecting the minus icon within the criteria input box.

  • Criteria are not used when nothing is specified in the specific criteria.

Example search for keyword sonatype with format npm added and the icons for removing or resetting search criteria highlighted

Keyword search query string

Tokenization is the process of splitting text into smaller parts, or 'tokens', during indexing and querying. Component metadata and coordinates are tokenized in the Nexus Repository database so the search provides better matching.

  • Hyphenated keywords

    When using keyword searches with a hyphenated component name such as aether-util the query is tokenized to aether and util; proving results for both keywords. The tokens of your query string must match a field in one of the indexes exactly.

  • Using double quotes to narrow results

    To match exactly aether-util, use double quotes in the search term to require the full string for a match.

  • Wildcards in searches

    Use the asterisk (*) character as a wildcard to broaden search results. Wildcards may be used anywhere in the query string however placing them anywhere except for the last character position may have a performance impact on its execution.

    Use aeth* to find aether or aether-util

Search Differences Between Environments

Search functionality differences exist between the different databases and deployment patterns.

  • Searching by Conan Package ID and Conan Package or Recipe Revisions are not available for those using Orient.

  • Use a leading slash (i.e., "/") when searching for raw components in H2 or Non-HA PostgreSQL Environment

  • Searches in HA Environments do not search all component attributes in the Keyword search bar. Specific the fields to search using the More Criteria selector.

HA Environments

The search feature implemented for high availability (HA) differs from other environments.

  • At least one search criterion is required and one additional criterion is required beyond format.

  • Search criteria must be at least three characters long and cannot begin with a wildcard or special characters followed by a wildcard.

  • Keyword searches automatically append a wildcard (*) at the end of each criterion

The following search patterns do not work in HA environments.

Invalid Pattern



Less than three characters long; leading wildcard not supported


Less than three characters long


User criteria ("@_") contains only an underscore


User criteria ("@/") contains only a forward slash


User criteria ("@*") contains only a wildcard


Search begins with a special character followed by a wildcard


The search begins with two special characters followed by a wildcard

Nexus Repository makes up to 10 trips to the database to return a result set in a PostgreSQL HA deployment. Adjust the limit by creating a Search Configuration Capability specifying a different re-fetch limit.

Setting the re-fetch limit to "-1" allows unlimited database queries resulting in slower performance in large deployments. In some scenarios, the re-fetch limit may result in missing or empty search results.

You must have clustering enabled to see the Search Configuration capability option.

Search Criteria and Component Attributes

Criteria to use with most repository formats. These return results across all repositories:

  • Keyword

    Use a keyword search to search for a string found in any component metadata value.

  • Format

    The format of the repository in which to look for a component.

  • Repository Name

    The name of a repository in which to look for a component.

  • Group

    The namespace of the component; is often the organization that produces it. Some formats use a different name for this criterion such as org for Ivy or groupId for Maven while other formats do not use groups such as the Nuget repository format.

  • Name

    The name of a component constitutes its main identifier. Different repository formats use a different name for the concept such as artifactId for Apache Maven and the maven2 repository format.

  • Version

    A component's version identifies the specific point in time at which that component was released. Various tools such as Maven or NuGet use the term version. Other build systems call this something else (e.g., Apache Ivy uses rev (short for revision)). In most repository formats, version numbers do not need to follow a specific standard and are simply a string. This affects the sort order and can produce unexpected results.

  • Checksum

    A checksum value of a component file generated by an MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, or the SHA-512 algorithm.

Composer Repositories

Only available in Sonatype Nexus Repository Pro. Interested in a free trial? Start here.

  • Vendor

    The responsible group for the package.

  • Package

    The name of the project.

Conan Repositories

Conan Revisions are available for PostgreSQL or H2 databases only

  • Arch

    The hardware architecture the component was built for.

  • Base Version

    Project or library version (e.g., "1.0.0")

  • baseVersion.strict

    Only return the latest revision for a specific base version.

  • Compiler

    The compiler that was used to package the component.

  • compiler.runtime

    The runtime used by the compiler.

  • compiler.version

    The version of the compiler.

  • Channel

    Channel represents an alternative variant of packages for the same library and usually describes the maturity of the package (e.g., "stable" or "testing"). It also can show package revisions.

    Common Version criteria for Conan format is a combination of Base Version and Channel, for instance, "1.0.0-stable"

  • Os

    The operating system the package is to run on.

  • Package ID (PostgreSQL or H2 databases only)

    A Conan Package ID is a unique identifier that encodes information about each package's settings, options, and requirements.

  • Package and Recipe Revisions (PostgreSQL or H2 databases only)

    In simplest terms, revisions are versions of versions. The Conan revisions feature allows you to make changes to your artifacts while maintaining a single Conan reference. Every Conan recipe export is associated with a unique ID (i.e., a revision); every recipe change results in a new recipe revision (RREV). Conan calculates a new package revision (PREV) using the package contents' hash whenever you create a new package. Package revisions belong to recipe revisions; the same package ID may have multiple package revisions belonging to a single recipe revision.

    See Conan's documentation on package revisions

Docker Repositories

  • Image Name

    The name for the Docker image. It is equivalent to the Name of the component in the repository manager that represents the Docker image.

  • Image Tag

    The tag for the Docker image. It is equivalent to the Version of the component in the repository manager that represents the Docker image.

  • Layer Id

    The unique identifier for a Docker image layer.

Maven Repositories

  • Group Id

    The Maven groupId for a component. Other build systems supporting the Maven repository format call this differently e.g. org for Apache Ivy and group for Gradle and Groovy Grape. Group Id is equivalent to Group.

  • Artifact Id

    The Maven artifactId for a component. Other build systems call this differently e.g. name for Apache Ivy and Gradle, and the module for Groovy Grape. Artifact ID is equivalent to Name.

  • Classifier

    The Maven classifier for a component. Common values are javadoc, sources, or tests.

  • Base Version

    The base version of the component/asset. Typically this is the same value as the version for release components. SNAPSHOT development components use a time-stamped version but the base version uses the SNAPSHOT version e.g. version of 1.0.0-20151001.193253-1 and base version of 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.

  • Extension

    The extension is used for a specific asset of a component.

NuGet Repositories

  • ID

    The NuGet component identifier is known as Package ID to NuGet users.

  • Tags

    Additional information about a component formatted as space-delimited keywords, chosen by the package author.

p2 Repositories

  • Plugin Name

    The name of a p2 plugin stored

PyPI Repositories

  • Classifiers

    Denote the maturity, intended audience, license, and supported versions the creator wished associated with their component.

  • Description

    The creator provided a long description of the component.

  • PyPI Keywords

    Associated component keywords. Generally used as identifiers to search.

  • Summary

    The creator described the component.

RubyGems Repositories

  • Platform

    The Platform the gem runs on is defined via the gemspec.

  • Summary

    A summary of the gem's description is defined via the gemspec.

  • Description

    A long description of the gem is defined via the gemspec. This field is optional when creating a gem so may be blank.

Yum Repositories

  • Package Name

    The name of the package, this field is the equivalent of Name for Yum.

  • Architecture

    The architecture the package is designed to be run on.

Preconfigured Searches

Preconfigured searches are available when a repository for the format exists in the repository and the user has repository-view access to the repository. The format-specific search is available via the format-named menu item in the Search section of the Browse menu.

Each preconfigured search supports adding further criteria.

  • Keyword Search

    The main toolbar includes a Search components text input field. Type your search term and press enter/return and the repository manager performs a search by Keyword.

    The same search can be accessed by selecting the Search item in the Browse main menu. The search term can be provided in the Keyword input field in the Search feature view.

  • Custom Search

    A configurable search using the criteria you select is available via the Custom menu item in the Search section of the Browse main menu. Initially, it has no criteria and it allows you to create a search with criteria you add with the More Criteria dropdown.

Search Name


Default Inputs

Apt Search


Package Name, Version

Bower Search


Name, Version

CocoaPods Search


Package Name, Version



Vendor, Package, Version

Conan Search


Package Name, Base Version, Channel, Recipe Revision, Package ID, Package Revision, Latest Revision

Conda Search


Package Name, Version

Docker Search


Image Name, Image Tag, Layer ID

Git LFS Search


Name (generated OID found in the pointer file)

Go Search


Name, Version

Helm Search


Name, Version

Maven Search


Group Id, Artifact Id, Version, Base Version, Classifier, Extension

NuGet Search


ID, Tags

npm Search


Scope, Name, Version

p2 Search


Package Name, Plugin Name

PyPI Search


Classifiers, Description, PyPI Keywords, Summary

R Search


Package Name and Version

Raw Search



RubyGems Search


Name, Version, Platform, Summary, Description

Yum Search


Package Name, Version, Architecture