Policy Violation REST API
Access and extract policy violations gathered during the evaluation of applications.
GET | Used to retrieve policy information, such as a list of policy ids as well as a list of violations based on a specific Policy ID, or list of IDs. |
Get the policy metadata
To access policy violation information you need the identifier for the policy.
GET /api/v2/policies/
curl -u admin:admin123 -X GET 'http://localhost:8070/api/v2/policies'
The list of policies is returned in JSON format. The policy IDs will be unique to your instance.
{ "policies": [ { "id": "6984017845c645b0ad0c95401ad4f17d", "name": "My Application Policy", "ownerId": "36d7e629462a4038b581488c347959bc", "ownerType": "APPLICATION", "threatLevel": 5, "policyType": "quality" }, ] }
Item | Description |
id | The internal id for the policy |
name | This is the name of the policy |
ownerId | The internal id for the organization or application where the policy was created |
ownerType | This indicates whether the policy is for an organization or application. |
threatLevel | This is the threat level that is set for the policy. |
policyType | Based on the conditions used in the policy. Options are: security, license, quality, or other |
Get all violations of a policy
Using the policy ID from above, you can query the complete list of violations for that policy.
GET /api/v2/policyViolations?p=policyID
curl -u admin:admin123 -X GET 'http://localhost:8070/api/v2/policyViolations?p=6984017845c645b0ad0c95401ad4f17d'
Optional parameters openTimeAfter and openTimeBefore are supported to filter the results.
Both are optional, and they can be used together or independently. The accepted format is YYYY-MM-DD .
curl -u admin:admin123 -X GET 'http://localhost:8070/api/v2/policyViolations?p=6984017845c645b0ad0c95401ad4f17d&openTimeAfter=2020-01-01&openTimeBefore=2020-06-31'
Successful response:
{ "applicationViolations":[ { "application":{ "id":"529b7f71bb714eca8955e5d66687ae2c", "publicId":"MyAppID1", "name":"MyApplications", "organizationId":"36d7e629462a4038b581488c347959bc", "contactUserName":null }, "policyViolations":[ { "policyId":"6984017845c645b0ad0c95401ad4f17d", "policyName":"Security-High", "policyViolationId":"020613b2521b4aeb9ee0d8a0adfd6f2d", "stageId":"build", "reportId":"c0ddefc4512f42d0bcbe29029e2be117" "reportUrl":"ui/links/application/MyAppID1/report/c0ddef c4512f42d0bcbe29029e2be117", "openTime": "2020-04-27T13:37:57.264+0000", "threatLevel":9, "constraintViolations":[ { "constraintId":"19011de290b147a38c820ad7bd5c653d", "constraintName":"CVSS >=7 and <10", "reasons":[ { "reason":"Found 2 Security Vulnerabilities with Severity >= 7" }, { "reason":"Found 4 Security Vulnerabilities with Severity < 10" }, { "reason":"Found 4 Security Vulnerabilities with Status OPEN" } ] } ], "component":{ "hash":"384faa82e193d4e4b054", "componentIdentifier":{ "format":"maven", "coordinates":{ "artifactId":"tomcat-util", "classifier":"", "extension":"jar", "groupId":"tomcat", "version":"5.5.23" } }, "packageUrl":"pkg:maven/tomcat/tomcat-util@5.5.23?type=jar", "proprietary":false } } ] } ] }
Item | Descrption |
application | Category containing specific information about the application. |
id | The internal id. |
publicId | The application ID. In the IQ Server GUI this is represented by the "Application" field. |
name | The name of the application. In the IQ Server GUI this corresponds to the "Application Name" field. |
organizationId | The internal id for the organization that the application resides in, and is not visible within the IQ Server GUI. |
contactUserName | This is typically the person in charge of the application. In the IQ Server GUI, it corresponds to the contact field for the application. |
policyViolations | A subcategory of the application, and provides specific information about the policy and corresponding violations that were found. |
policyId | The internal id for the policy. |
policyName | The name of the policy, and is visible in the IQ Server GUI. |
policyViolationId | The internal id for the policy violation. |
stageId | Stage in which the policy violation occurred in. It is displayed in various places within the IQ Server GUI, including the associated Application Composition Report. |
reportId | This is the ID of the Application Composition Report associated with the evaluation that found the listed policy violations. |
reportUrl | This is the URL to the Application Composition Report associated with the evaluation that found the listed policy violations. |
openTime | This is the date and time that the violation was first seen. |
threatLevel | This the threat level of the policy that was violated. |
constraintViolations | This is a subcategory for Policy Violations, and includes all information related to specific constraint that was violated. |
constraintId | This is the internal id for the constraint, and is not visible in the IQ Server GUI, or in the associated Application Composition Report. |
constraintName | This is the name of the constraint and is visible in the policy area where the policy was created (i.e either the organization or application). It is also displayed in the Application Composition Report and various tools that connect to the IQ Server. |
reasons | This is a subcategory of Constraint Violations, and gives the reason why the violation occurred. |
reason | The reason is formed by the value(s) for the condition(s) violated. Conditions are visible where the policy was created (i.e either the organization or application). It is also displayed in the Application Composition Report and various tools that connect to the IQ Server. |
component | Component is a subcategory of Policy Violations, and includes information about the component(s) causing the violation to occur. |
hash | Truncated (20 chars) SHA1 hash value of the component used as an internal identifier. |
componentIdentifier | This is simply a container for the component information. It will always include the format and the coordinates. |
format | This is the format the component is in, and will determine what type of coordinate information is displayed. |
coordinates | This will depend on the format. An example would be Maven, which uses a G : A : E : C : V (Group, Artifact Id, Extension, Classifier, and Version) for the component. In this example, the fields provided are: component. |