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Call Flow Analysis REST API

The Call Flow Analysis REST API allows you to:

  1. GET the existing call flow analysis configuration for an application.

  2. PUT or create/update a new or existing call flow analysis configuration.

  3. DELETE an existing call flow analysis configuration for an application.

GET Call Flow Analysis Configuration

Use this method to review an existing configuration for call flow analysis associated with an application or organization.

Permissions required: View IQ elements

GET /api/experimental/callFlowAnalysis/configuration/{ownerType: application|organization}/{ownerId}

{ownerType} can be application or organization

{ownerId} is the application id or organization id, based on the value of ownerType


curl --location 'http://localhost:8072/api/experimental/callFlowAnalysis/configuration/application/82eac008806848fcb3ba0684b99dda69' \.
--header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4xMjM=' \
--header 'Cookie: CLM-CSRF-TOKEN=580c2f8c-2eb6-48bb-a591-8fba52db7ef8'


A successful response (response code 200) returns:

    "id": "ac63b2c153644fbd94142ff199739e39",
    "enabled": true,
    "namespaces": [
    "threadCount": 2,
    "ownerId": "82eac008806848fcb3ba0684b99dda69"

An unsuccessful response (response code 404) returns:

Call Flow Analysis Config not found for ownerId 0f1dc4fd8d6046ee859a650d4d608f6b

Create or Update Call Flow Analysis Configuration

Use this method to create or update call flow analysis configuration related to an application or organization.

Permissions required: Edit IQ elements

[PUT]  /api/experimental/callFlowAnalysis/configuration/{ownerType: application|organization}/{ownerId}

{ownerType} can be application or organization

{ownerId} is the application id or organization id, based on the value of ownerType

Request body:

"id": "config identifier to update, or null for create a new one",
"enabled": true,
"namespaces": ["array of namespaces"],
"threadCount": 1,
"ownerId": "owner identifier"

Example for request body:

  "id": null,
  "enabled": true,
  "namespaces": ["foo"],
  "threadCount": 1,
  "ownerId": "82eac008806848fcb3ba0684b99dda69"

Example request:

curl --location --request PUT 'http://localhost:8072/api/experimental/callFlowAnalysis/configuration/application/82eac008806848fcb3ba0684b99dda69' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4xMjM=' \
--header 'Cookie: CLM-CSRF-TOKEN=580c2f8c-2eb6-48bb-a591-8fba52db7ef8' \
--data '{
  "id": null,
  "enabled": true,
  "namespaces": ["foo"],
  "threadCount": 1,
  "ownerId": "82eac008806848fcb3ba0684b99dda69"


A successful response (response code 200) returns:

    "id": "ac63b2c153644fbd94142ff199739e39",
    "enabled": true,
    "namespaces": [
    "threadCount": 1,
    "ownerId": "82eac008806848fcb3ba0684b99dda69"

An unsuccessful response (response code 400) could return:

ownerId does not match


ownerId cannot be null

Delete Call Flow Analysis Configuration

Use this method to delete an existing call flow analysis configuration related to an application or organization.

Permissions required: Edit IQ elements

[DELETE]  /api/experimental/callFlowAnalysis/configuration/{ownerType: application|organization}/{ownerId}

{ownerType} can be application or organization

{ownerId} is the application id or organization id, based on the value of ownerType


curl --location --request DELETE 'http://localhost:8072/api/experimental/callFlowAnalysis/configuration/application/82eac008806848fcb3ba0684b99dda69' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4xMjM=' \
--header 'Cookie: CLM-CSRF-TOKEN=580c2f8c-2eb6-48bb-a591-8fba52db7ef8'


A successful response is indicated by response code 204.

A response code 404 indicates that the requested call flow configuration could not be found.