Repository Management
Repositories are containers that hold the components (i.e., artifacts, packages, etc). Managing repositories is an essential part of your Nexus Repository configuration. Nexus Repository supports hosted, proxy and group repositories for the supported formats.
A user's ability to add, edit, or delete repositories is determined through the repository-admin
nx-repository-admin-*-*-* nx-repository-admin-maven2-maven-central-browse nx-repository-admin-maven2-maven-central-read nx-repository-admin-maven2-maven-central-edit nx-repository-admin-maven2-maven-central-delete
The Repositories view displays a list of configured repositories.
Navigate to Administration → Repository → Repositories.

The Repositories view lists the following information about each repository:
Unique repository name
The estimated storage consumption of the repository calculated when adding up the size of artifacts stored in the database. Does not include the metadata files or indexes. This value is updated after 2 minutes when artifacts are update.
The repository's type (i.e., proxy, hosted, or group)
The language or ecosystem format that the repository uses to store and access components
Blob Store
The blob store in which this repository stores its binary parts
The repository's availability status
The direct URL path to that repository; copy to use this URL to connect other tools to the repository
Health Check
Displays the repository health statistics or a button to start the analysis
Firewall Report
The count of components by their highest policy violation level, count of quarantined components, and a link to the results on the Repository Firewall service.
Repository States
These are the possible states of a repository's availability status.
Group and Hosted Repositories
The online checkbox is checked in the group or hosted repository's settings
The repository's settings does not have the online checkbox enabled.
Proxy Repositories
Online - Uninitialized
A new proxy repository that is not yet initialized.
Online - Ready to Connect
The proxy repository is ready to connect to remote.
Online - Remote Available
The proxy repository has made successful requests to the remote.
Online - Remote Manually Blocked
The proxy repository's "blocked" configuration is set to not send requests to the remote repository.
Online - Remote Auto Blocked and Unavailable
The proxy repository is not sending requests as auto-blocking is configured and the remote repository is unreachable.
Online - Remote Unavailable
The repository is not configured to autoblock requests however the remote repository is unreachable.
Offline - Repository Offline
The repository's settings does not have the online checkbox enabled.