Component Labels REST API
The Component Labels API allows you to manage component labels for applications, organizations, and repositories.
A component label consists of a label, a color, and an optional description.
Valid values for the field color are:
light-red, light-green, light-blue, light-purple, dark-red, dark-green, dark-blue, dark-purple, orange, yellow
Creating Component Labels
1. To create a component label for an application, use a POST request and specify the applicationId.
POST /api/v2/labels/application/{applicationId}
2. To create component label for an organization, use a POST request and specify the organizationId.
POST /api/v2/labels/organization/{organizationId}
3. To create a component label for a repository, use a POST request and specify the repositoryId.
POST /api/v2/labels/repository/{repositoryId}
curl -u admin:admin123 -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:8070/api/v2/labels/application/787c2e3dc8e745c48743926251eef00b' -d '{"label": "New Label","color": "dark-blue","description": "High Risk"}'
where 787c2e3dc8e745c48743926251eef00b is the applicationId.
Returns HTTP 200 code on successful creation echoing the created label with its details including the assigned component label Id.
{ "id": "8fadd58097cc49d7bdd5ecf38c33fb0a", "label": "New Label", "description": "High Risk", "color": "dark-blue", "ownerId": "787c2e3dc8e745c48743926251eef00b", "ownerType": "APPLICATION" }
Querying Component Labels
1. To retrieve details for component labels for an application, use a GET
request and specify the application ID.
GET /api/v2/labels/application/{applicationId}
2. To retrieve details for component labels for an organization, use a GET
request and specify the organization ID.
GET /api/v2/labels/organization/{organizationId}
3. To retrieve details for component labels for a repository, use a GET
request and specify the repository ID.
GET /api/v2/labels/repository/{repositoryId}
curl -u admin:admin123 'http://localhost:8070/api/v2/labels/application/787c2e3dc8e745c48743926251eef00b'
where 787c2e3dc8e745c48743926251eef00b is the application Id.
Returns HTTP 200 code on successful query and returns an array of component labels for the application:
[ { "id": "3365f8827f9a4ce091352b91d58adf0f", "label": "New Label", "description": "High Risk", "color": "dark-blue", "ownerId": "787c2e3dc8e745c48743926251eef00b", "ownerType": "APPLICATION" } ]
4. To retrieve details for inherited component labels for an application, use the query parameter inherit.
curl -u admin:admin123 'http://localhost:8070/api/v2/labels/application/787c2e3dc8e745c48743926251eef00b?inherit=true'
Returns HTTP 200 code on successful query and labels from the application's inheritance tree:
[ { "id": "3365f8827f9a4ce091352b91d58adf0f", "label": "New Label", "description": "High Risk", "color": "dark-blue", "ownerId": "787c2e3dc8e745c48743926251eef00b", "ownerType": "APPLICATION" }, { "id": "d50ffc5f3b904570a7633d26157c2890", "label": "Architecture-Blacklisted", "description": "Components which have been blacklisted from use", "color": "orange", "ownerId": "ROOT_ORGANIZATION_ID", "ownerType": "ORGANIZATION" } ]
The label Architecture-Blacklisted is owned by ROOT_ORGANIZATION which is inherited by this application.
5. To retrieve details for applicable component labels for application, use a GET request with query parameter applicable.
curl -u admin:admin123 'http://localhost:8070/api/v2/labels/application/app-1/applicable
Returns HTTP 200 code on successful query and labels that are applicable to the application.
{ "labelsByOwner": [ { "ownerId": "d56907ab10764cff869cba4fa4baf525", "ownerName": "sample-app-1", "ownerType": "application", "labels": [ { "id": "e7a421214d2d4e58869e0b7f9754972b", "label": "application-label-1", "description": "label on application level component", "color": "dark-green", "ownerId": "d56907ab10764cff869cba4fa4baf525", "ownerType": "APPLICATION" } ] }, { "ownerId": "fba8e4e688414d71aa922eb669b1267e", "ownerName": "sample-org-1", "ownerType": "organization", "labels": [] }, { "ownerId": "ROOT_ORGANIZATION_ID", "ownerName": "Root Organization", "ownerType": "organization", "labels": [ { "id": "d5c57783d06b4fb781ee91cf6e4d4b84", "label": "Architecture-Blacklisted", "description": "Components which have been blacklisted from use", "color": "orange", "ownerId": "ROOT_ORGANIZATION_ID", "ownerType": "ORGANIZATION" }, { "id": "e377ead274134acbb75b861a957ced28", "label": "Architecture-Cleanup", "description": "Components which are relics of a build and should not be included in the distribution", "color": "orange", "ownerId": "ROOT_ORGANIZATION_ID", "ownerType": "ORGANIZATION" }, { "id": "9a13ebf7e36449aa9e3f56bd7c76b840", "label": "Architecture-Deprecated", "description": "Components we want to discourage from developer use", "color": "orange", "ownerId": "ROOT_ORGANIZATION_ID", "ownerType": "ORGANIZATION" } ] } ] }
Updating Component Labels
To update and existing component label for an application, use the PUT request and specify the applicationID
PUT /api/v2/labels/application/{applicationId}
To update an existing component label for an organization, use the PUT request and specify the organizationID
PUT /api/v2/labels/organization/{organizationId}
To update an existing component label for a repository, use the PUT request and specify the repositoryId
PUT /api/v2/labels/repository/{repositoryId}
curl -u admin:admin123 -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:8070/api/v2/labels/application/787c2e3dc8e745c48743926251eef00b' -d '{"id": "3365f8827f9a4ce091352b91d58adf0f", "label": "Updated Label","color": "dark-red","description": "New Description"}'
where 3365f8827f9a4ce091352b91d58adf0f is the component label Id and 787c2e3dc8e745c48743926251eef00b is the application Id.
Returns HTTP 200 code on successful creation echoing the created label.
Deleting Component Labels
1. To delete an application label, use a DELETE
request and specify the application Id and label Id.
A component label for an application can be deleted by sending a DELETE
request to
DELETE api/v2/labels/application/{applicationId}/{labelId}
2. To delete an organization label, use a DELETE
request and specify the organization ID and label ID.
DELETE /api/v2/labels/organization/{organizationId}/{labelId}
3. To delete a repository label, use a DELETE
request and specify the repository ID and label ID.
DELETE /api/v2/labels/repository/{repositoryId}/{labelId}
curl -u admin:admin123 -X DELETE 'http://localhost:8070/api/v2/labels/application/787c2e3dc8e745c48743926251eef00b/3365f8827f9a4ce091352b91d58adf0f'
where 787c2e3dc8e745c48743926251eef00b is the application id and 3365f8827f9a4ce091352b91d58adf0f
is the label ID.
The server responds with a 204 No Content
upon successful deletion.
Assign Component Labels
1. To assign a component label to an application, use the POST request and specify the component hash, label name, and the application ID.
POST /api/v2/components/{componentHash}/labels/{labelName}/applications/{applicationId}
where componentHash is the sha 1 hash from the source repository, lablelName is an existing label name and applicationId is the internal application ID.
2. To assign a component labels to an organization, use the POST request and specify the component hash, label name, and the organization ID.
POST /api/v2/components/{componentHash}/labels/{labelName}/organizations/{organizationId}
where componentHash is the sha 1 hash from the source repository, lablelName is an existing label name and organizationId is the internal organization ID.
An example assigning the application component label "Architecture-Deprecated":
curl -u admin:admin123 -X POST 'http://localhost:8070/api/v2/components/1249e25aebb15358bedd/labels/Architecture-Deprecated/applications/5065550c24514129bf66f9afd5c7be60'
where 1249e25aebb15358bedd is the component hash, Architecture-Deprecated is the label name, and 5065550c24514129bf66f9afd5c7be60 is the application ID.
The server will respond with a 204 status upon success.
Unassign Component Labels
1. To unassign or remove a component label from an application, use the DELETE request and specify the component hash, label name, and internal application ID.
DELETE /api/v2/components/{componentHash}/labels/{labelName}/applications/{applicationId}
2. To unassign or remove a component label from an organization, use the DELETE request and specify the component hash, label name, and internal organization ID.
DELETE /api/v2/components/{componentHash}/labels/{labelName}/organizations/{organizationId}
NOTE: This operation only deletes the component labels defined at the organization level. Component labels that have been assigned in the context of individual applications within the organization are not affected.
An example removing the application component label "Architecture-Deprecated":
curl -u admin:admin123 -X DELETE 'http://localhost:8070/api/v2/components/1249e25aebb15358bedd/labels/Architecture-Deprecated/applications/5065550c24514129bf66f9afd5c7be60'
1249e25aebb15358bedd is the component hash,
Architecture-Deprecated is the label name, and 5065550c24514129bf66f9afd5c7be60 is the application Id.
The server will respond with a 204 status upon success.