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Single-Node Cloud Resilient Deployment Example Using Azure

A Helm Chart (GitHub, ArtifactHub) is available for our resiliency and high-availability deployment options. Be sure to read the deployment instructions in the associated README file before using the chart.

You never know when disaster may strike. With a resilient deployment on Azure like the one outlined below, you can ensure that you still have access to Nexus Repository in the event of a service or data center outage.

If you already have a Nexus Repository instance and want to migrate to a resilient architecture, see our migration documentation.


Use Cases

This reference architecture is designed to protect against the following scenarios:

  • An Azure Availability Zone (AZ) outage within a single region

  • A node/server failure

  • A Nexus Repository service failure

You would use this architecture if you fit the following profiles:

  • You are looking for a resilient Nexus Repository deployment option in Azure in order to reduce downtime

  • You would like to achieve automatic failover and fault tolerance as part of your deployment goals

  • You already have an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster set up as part of your deployment pipeline for your other in-house applications and would like to leverage the same for your Nexus Repository deployment

  • You have migrated or set up Nexus Repository with an external PostgreSQL database and want to fully reap the benefits of an externalized database setup

  • You do not need High Availability (HA) active-active mode


  • Nexus Repository 3.33.0 or later

  • kubectl command-line tool

  • An Azure account with permissions for accessing the following Azure services:

    • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

    • Azure database for PostgreSQL

    • Azure Monitor

    • Azure KeyVault

    • Azure Command-Line Interface

  • Kustomize


If you require your clients to access more than one Docker Repository, you must use an external load balancer (e.g., NGINX) as a reverse proxy instead of the provided ingress for Docker YAML.


In this reference architecture, a maximum of one Nexus Repository instance is running at a time. Having more than one Nexus Repository failover instance will not work.

Setting Up the Architecture


Unless otherwise specified, all steps detailed below are still required if you are planning to use the HA/Resiliency Helm Chart (GitHub, ArtifactHub).

Step 1 - Azure AKS Cluster

The first thing you must do is create a resource group. A resource group is a container that holds related resources for an Azure solution. In this case, everything we are about to set up will be contained within this new resource group that you create.

  1. Follow Microsoft's documentation to create a resource group from the Azure portal.

  2. Put the resource group in the same region you intend to setup your all your resources.

  3. Then, you can follow Microsoft's documentationfor creating an AKS cluster.

    1. If you plan to use Azure Monitor (described in step 6), ensure you enable it when creating your AKS cluster.

    2. If you plan to use Azure Key Vault (described in step 4), you can also enable the Azure Key Vault Secret Store CSI Driver add-on following Microsoft's documentation. Ensure that you provide the AKS node(s) on which Sonatype Nexus Repository will run with appropriate permissions for accessing the Key Vault as described in Microsoft's documentation.

      1. The CSI Secrets Store Driver is a Kubernetes-specific plugin that will allow the Kubernetes node on which Sonatype Nexus Repository runs to retrieve the license and database user/password information from the key vault.

Step 2 - Azure PostgreSQL

You will now configure your database for storing Sonatype Nexus Repository configurations and component metadata. We recommend Azure's Flexible Server option.

  1. Follow Microsoft's documentation for creating an Azure database for PostgreSQL server.

  2. When setting up the database, select the resource group you created when setting up your AKS cluster.

  3. Select the same region as the resource group you created.

You can also use the Azure CLI to create a database callednexus using Microsoft's documentation as a reference. You may use an alternative name if desired. (See Microsoft's documentation for installing the Azure CLI.)

Step 3 - Ingress Controller

The next step is to configure an Ingress Controller to provide reverse proxy, configurable traffic routing, and TLS termination for Kubernetes services.

  1. Follow Microsoft's documentation for setting up an ingress controller in AKS.

  2. Optionally, configure the Ingress Controller to associate a static IP address with the Sonatype Nexus Repository pod. This way, if the Nexus Repository pod restarts, it can still be accessed through the same IP address.

Step 4 - License Management

There are a few options you can use for license management:

  1. Azure Key Vault and CSI Secrets Store Driver - You can use this option whether you're using the HA/Resiliency Helm Chart or manually deploying YAML files.

  2. Configure License in Helm Chart - This option is for those using the HA/Resiliency Helm Chart but not using Azure Key Vault.

  3. License Configuration Mapping YAML - This option is for those who are neither using the HA/Resiliency Helm Chart nor Azure Key Vault.

Option 1 - Azure Key Vault and CSI Secrets Store Driver (Optional)

Azure Key Vault is one of the options for storing secrets like your Sonatype Nexus Repository license and database credentials. In the event of a failover, Key Vault can retrieve the Nexus Repository license when the new Nexus Repository container starts. This way, your Nexus Repository always starts in Pro mode.

Secret Store CSI Driver

If you do not wish to use an external secrets operator, you can use the Secrets Store CSI driver.

  1. Follow Microsoft's documentation for creating a key vault.

  2. Select the resource group you created when setting up your AKS cluster.

  3. Select the same region as the resource group you created.

  4. Restrict it to your virtual network.

  5. Add your license file to the key vault using the Azure CLI. The command to add your license will look similar to the following:

    az keyvault secret set --name <name_for_secret> --vault-name <name_of_keyvault> --file <path_of_license_file.lic> --encoding base64
  6. Add the secrets for your database username, password, and host as well as your Nexus Repository admin password.

    1. You can do this manually in the key vault you created via the portal.

    2. Follow Microsoft's documentationfor adding secrets via the portal.

  7. If you did not enable the CSI Secrets Store driver during AKS cluster creation, you can follow Microsoft's documentation for upgrading an existing AKS cluster with Azure Key Vault provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver capability. Ensure that you provide the AKS node(s) on which Sonatype Nexus Repository will run with appropriate permissions for accessing the Key Vault as described in Microsoft's documentation.

    • The CSI Secrets Store Driver is a Kubernetes-specific plugin that will allow the Kubernetes node on which Sonatype Nexus Repository runs to retrieve the license and database user/password information from the key vault.

Option 2 - Configure License in Helm Chart

This option is only for those using the HA/Resiliency Helm Chart but not Azure Key Vault.

  1. In the values.yaml, locate the license section as shown below.

        name: nexus-repo-license.lic
          enabled: false
          file: # Specify the license file name with --set-file license.licenseSecret.file="file_name" helm option
          fileContentsBase64: your_license_file_contents_in_base_64
          mountPath: /var/nexus-repo-license
  2. Change the license.licenseSecret.enabled to true.

  3. Do one of the following:

    1. Specify your license file in license.licenseSecret.file with --set-file license.licenseSecret.file="file_name" helm option.

    2. Put the base64 representation of your license file as the value for license.licenseSecret.fileContentsBase64.

Option 3 - Configure Licensing with License Configuration Mapping YAML

If you are not using the HA/Resiliency Helm Chart and also do not wish to use Azure Key Vault, you will need to use Kustomize when applying your YAML files and include a completed License Configuration Mapping YAML.

Step 6 - Azure Files Dynamic Provisioning

Sonatype Nexus Repository requires persistent volumes to store logs and configurations to help populate support zip files. Azure Files provides a shared location for log storage. Note that the Helm chart supports both Azure Disks and Files; however, we recommend that you use Azure Files.

When you apply the StatefulSet YAML (or the values.yaml if using the HA/Resiliency Helm Chart), the volumeClaimTemplate defined therein will tell Azure to dynamically provision Azure Files shares of a specified volume size.

This step requires enabling the CSI driver for AKS, which contains built-in storage classes such as azurefile, azurefile-csi , azurefile-csi-premium, and azurefile-premium. (The provided StatefulSet YAML specifies azurefile-csi-premium, but you can adjust this as desired.)

Follow Microsoft's documentation to enable the CSI driver for AKS.

For those using the Helm chart, you will need to make updates to your values.yaml before installing the Helm chart. Details about what to update are included in the Helm chart's README file.

You can confirm that you've set up your cluster correctly by running the following command:

kubectl get storageclasses

If your cluster is set up correctly, you should get a response like the following:

azurefile          Delete           Immediate            true                    29d
azurefile-csi      Delete           Immediate            true                    29d
azurefile-csi-premium     Delete           Immediate            true                    29d
azurefile-premium     Delete           Immediate            true                    29d

Step 7 - Azure Blob

Azure Blob Storage provides your object (blob) storage.

Use Microsoft's documentation to set up a storage account and then begin working with blobs:

  1. Select the resource group you created when setting up your AKS cluster.

  2. Select the same region as the resource group you created.

  3. Preferably, use thepremium performanceoption; select the block blobs premium account type.

    1. While premium is preferred, standard is also supported.

  4. Select the zone-redundant storage option.

  5. Restrict it to your virtual network.

Apply YAML Files to Start Your Deployment


If you are using the HA/Resiliency Helm Chart (GitHub, ArtifactHub), skip these steps and follow the instructions on GitHub for installing the Helm Chart instead. Ensure you update your values.yaml as detailed in the Helm chart's README file.


The YAML files linked in this section are just examples and cannot be used as-is. You must fill them out with the appropriate information for your deployment to be able to use them.

Step 1 - Create a Kubernetes Namespace

All Kubernetes objects for the Sonatype Nexus Repository need to be in one namespace.

There are two ways to create a Kubernetes namespace: manually using the kubectl command-line tool or through a Namespaces YAML.

Option 1 - Manually Create Namespace

  1. Follow the Kubernetes documentation for creating a Kubernetes namespace with the kubectl command-line tool.

  2. You will use the following command to create the namespace:

kubectl create namespace <namespace>

Option 2 - Use the Namespaces YAML

  1. Fill out a Namespaces YAML with the correct information for your deployment.

  2. Apply your YAML to create a namespace.

Step 2 - Fill Out YAML Files

  1. Use the sample YAML files linked in the Sample YAML Files as a starting point.

  2. Fill out your YAML files with the appropriate information for your deployment.

Step 3 - Apply the YAML Files

You will now apply your YAML Files using one of two methods:

Option 1 - Apply YAML Files Using Kustomize

Follow the steps below to apply all of your completed YAMLs in one command:

  1. Create a Kustomization directory into which you will place your YAML files.

  2. Fill out a license configuration mapping YAML and place it in this Kustomization directory.

  3. Place all of your other completed YAML files as well as your Sonatype Nexus Repository license file in the Kustomization directory.

  4. Use the following command where <kustomization_directory> is your Kustomization directory containing all of the YAML files; this will apply all YAML files in that directory:

    kubectl apply -k <kustomization_directory> 

    Your Nexus Repository license is passed into the Nexus Repository container by using Kustomize to create a configuration map that is mounted as a volume of the pod running Nexus Repository.

    See Kubernetes documentation for using Kustomize for more information.

Option 2 - Apply YAML Files Manually

Manually run each of your completed YAML files in the order below:

  1. Secrets YAML

  2. Logback Tasklogfile Override YAML

  3. Services YAML

  4. StatefulSet YAML

  5. Ingress YAML

Sample YAML Files


The YAML files linked in this section are just examples and cannot be used as-is. You must fill them out with the appropriate information for your deployment to be able to use them.

* If you are using the HA/Resiliency Helm Chart (GitHub, ArtifactHub), do not use this table. Follow the instructions on GitHub for installing the Helm chart instead.


What it Does

Do I Need This File?*

Namespaces YAML

Creates a namespace into which to install the Kubernetes objects for Sonatype Nexus Repository

Needed only if you are using the YAML method for creating a namespace.

Secrets YAML

Creates a Kubernetes secret object backed by Azure Key Vault that contains the database credentials and license

Needed only if you are using Azure Key Vault.

Logback Tasklogfile Override YAML

Changes Nexus Repository's default behavior of sending task logs to separate files; the task files will now exist at startup rather than only as the tasks run


Services YAML

Creates a Kubernetes service through which the Nexus Repository application HTTP port (i.e., 8081) can be reached


StatefulSet YAML

Starts your Sonatype Nexus Repository pods; uses secrets for mounting volumes

Needed only if you are using Azure Key Vault.

Kustomize StatefulSet YAML

Starts your Sonatype Nexus Repository pods; uses config map for mounting volumes

Needed only if you are using Kustomize.

Ingress YAML

Exposes the Nexus Repository service externally so that you can communicate with the pods


License Configuration Mapping YAML

Creates a config map containing a base64 representation of your license file contents and associates that config map with the specified StatefulSet YAML

Needed only if you are using Kustomize.


  • Always run your YAML files in the order specified above.

  • The resources created by these YAMLs are not in the default namespace.

  • The sample YAMLs are set up to disable the default blob stores and repositories on all instances.