Phase 3 - Removing Risk
Remediating Component Risk
Once your risk has been prioritized, it's time to begin fixing it. The typical strategy for this is to upgrade to versions with less risk whenever possible, then waive non-applicable vulnerabilities, replace components that are vulnerable and cannot be upgraded, and finally accept any necessary risk.
Upgrade Components
This is the easiest and quickest way to remove policy violations.
Determine if the remaining vulnerabilities are exploitable
Oftentimes, vulnerable components can be used in secure ways. If a violation doesn't apply to your application you can accept that risk and review that component regularly until a safer version is released.
Apply time-bound waivers
Apply time-bound waivers to components with non-exploitable vulnerabilities.
Replace exploitable components with no safe upgrade path
If a component is vulnerable and exploitable, it may need to be substituted with a similar one with less risk.
Accept necessary risk -
Apply time-bound policy waivers to violations that cannot be remediated.
Preventing Risk
Sonatype Lifecycle's automated policy enforcement tools let you keep components with the greatest risk from ever entering production. They're powerful and potentially disruptive. By this point your teams should be adept at remediating policy violations, and you are ready to begin automatically enforcing your policy standards. Policy enforcement can be done at the organization and application level. This enforcement should be introduced gradually.
Review Enforcement Best Practices
Establish criteria for enabling enforcement
Decide when you'll begin enforcing policy violations by breaking builds.
Determine feedback channels
Enabling enforcement can be challenging. Having a way to solicit and respond to feedback will help you successfully turn on policy enforcement.
Set expectations
Be clear about what violations will be blocked and when. Also remind all teams of SLOs and other expectations.
Enable Enforcement for critical violations
Prevent components with known risk from entering production.
Gradually enable enforcement of other policies
Over time enforce more policies to lower the acceptable risk level in your applications.
Shifting Left
So where do we go from here? With enforcement enabled, it's time to begin making good component decisions and proactive choices earlier in your development process. This is called shifting left.
Make Intentional Upgrade Decisions
Empower Developers to pick better components
Configure IDE Plugins
Configure Chrome Plugin
Leverage Data Insights