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Nexus Repository Reference Architecture 4

Do you fit this profile?

This reference architecture describes deployment strategies and system requirements for a single Nexus Repository deployment not exceeding the following specifications:

  • 2,000,000 max requests per hour

  • 20,000,000 max requests per day

  • External PostgreSQL database

  • High Availability (HA) deployment

  • Sonatype Nexus Repository Pro license

If you don’t fit this profile, please see the reference architecture main page to find the deployment profile that best matches your needs.

High Availability Deployment

This reference architecture represents a multi-instance Sonatype Nexus Repository HA deployment on multiple VMs or Docker instances and using a PostgreSQL database. This architecture is well-suited for larger Engineering organization usage patterns with the ability to handle heavy usage spikes.

Sonatype Nexus Repository HA deployments can be accomplished using any of our HA deployment options.


Minimum System Requirements

These system requirements represent the minimum requirements for workloads that align with this profile's defined HTTP request volumes. Depending on your load testing, increase the available CPUs and RAM to improve your server's stability and performance.

Factors to monitor while testing include fluctuations in request traffic, task configurations, network settings, background processes, and component formats.

Increasing the resources for the PostgreSQL server will have the most impact.

  • Compute

    • 5 Sonatype Nexus Repository nodes

    • 8 CPU per Nexus Repository node

    • 32GB RAM per Nexus Repository node

    • 10TB+ instance disk size when using local blob storage

  • Database

    • PostgreSQL configured in a 2-node cluster (version 14+ recommended)

    • 32 CPU per PostgreSQL node

    • 256GB RAM per PostgreSQL node

    • 1.5TB+ storage for database

Setup Documentation