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Vulnerability Group REST API

The Vulnerability Group REST API allows you to group multiple vulnerability IDs (CVEs and Sonatype vulnerability IDs) into custom vulnerability group names. These group names can be used to set up policy constraints.

User Permissions Required to Invoke this API call

  • Edit IQ Elements


You can create new custom vulnerability groups, by making an authenticated HTTP POST request:

POST /api/experimental/vulnerability/group/{ownerType: application|organization}/{ownerId}

{ownerType: application|organization} is an owner type

{ownerId} is an owner identification


curl -u admin:admin123 -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"groupName":"Group CVE fix", "ownerId":"ROOT_ORGANIZATION_ID", "vulnerabilityIds":["CVE-2021-21350","CVE-2021-21342"]}' 'http://localhost:8070/api/experimental/vulnerability/group/organization/ROOT_ORGANIZATION_ID'

Group CVE fix is the custom group name containing vulnerabilities CVE-2021-21350 and CVE-2021-21342


Returns the ID of the created Vulnerability Group:


You can update the name of an existing vulnerability group by making an authenticated HTTP POST request:

POST /api/experimental/vulnerability/group/{ownerType: application|organization}/{ownerId}

{ownerType: application|organization} is an owner type

{ownerId} is an owner identification


curl -u admin:admin123 -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"vulnerabilityGroupId":"bd40c64b493042f9944d73ac3241fab7", "groupName":"Group CVE fix updated", "ownerId":"ROOT_ORGANIZATION_ID", "vulnerabilityIds":["CVE-2021-21350","CVE-2021-21342"]}' 'http://localhost:8070/api/experimental/vulnerability/group/organization/ROOT_ORGANIZATION_ID'

Group CVE fix updated is the new name for the vulnerability group.


Returns the ID of the updated Vulnerability Group:



You can delete an existing vulnerability group by making an authenticated HTTP DELETE request:

DELETE /api/experimental/vulnerability/group/{ownerType: application|organization}/{ownerId}/{vulnerabilityGroupId}

{ownerType: application|organization} is an owner type

{ownerId} is an owner identification

{vulnerabilityGroupId} is the ID of the vulnerability group to delete


curl -u admin:admin123 -X DELETE 'http://localhost:8070/api/experimental/vulnerability/group/organization/ROOT_ORGANIZATION_ID/bd40c64b493042f9944d73ac3241fab7'

bd40c64b493042f9944d73ac3241fab7 is the vulnerability group ID to be deleted


Returns HTTP 204 code


You can retrieve data for an existing vulnerability group by making an authenticated HTTP GET request and using the vulnerability group name:

GET /api/experimental/vulnerability/group/{ownerType: application|organization}/{ownerId}/name/{groupName}

{ownerType: application|organization} is an owner type

{ownerId} is an owner identification

{groupName} is the name of the vulnerability group


curl -u admin:admin123 -X GET 'http://localhost:8070/api/experimental/vulnerability/group/organization/ROOT_ORGANIZATION_ID/name/Group%20CVE%20fix'

The existing vulnerability group name is Group CVE fix


Returns a JSON of the following structure (the JSON below is an example and does not contain proprietary data):

  "vulnerabilityGroupId": "bd40c64b493042f9944d73ac3241fab7",
  "groupName": "Group CVE fix",
  "vulnerabilityIds": [

You can retrieve data for an existing vulnerability group by making an authenticated HTTP GET request and using the vulnerability group ID:

GET /api/experimental/vulnerability/group/{ownerType: application|organization}/{ownerId}/{vulnerabilityGroupId}

{ownerType: application|organization} is an owner type

{ownerId} is an owner identification

{vulnerabilityGroupId} is the ID of the Vulnerability Group to retrieve


curl -u admin:admin123 -X GET 'http://localhost:8070/api/experimental/vulnerability/group/organization/ROOT_ORGANIZATION_ID/bd40c64b493042f9944d73ac3241fab7'

bd40c64b493042f9944d73ac3241fab7 is the vulnerability group ID


Returns a JSON of the following structure (the JSON below is an example and does not contain proprietary data):

  "vulnerabilityGroupId": "bd40c64b493042f9944d73ac3241fab7",
  "groupName": "Group CVE fix",
  "vulnerabilityIds": [

You can retrieve data for all existing vulnerability groups created by a specific owner, by making an authenticated HTTP GET request and using the owner ID:

GET /api/experimental/vulnerability/group/{ownerType: application|organization}/{ownerId}/list

{ownerType: application|organization} is an owner type

{ownerId} is an owner identification


curl -u admin:admin123 -X GET 'http://localhost:8070/api/experimental/vulnerability/group/organization/ROOT_ORGANIZATION_ID/list'

ROOT_ORGANIZATION_ID is the ownerID where the vulnerability groups are created


Returns a JSON of the following structure containing all vulnerability groups under the owner ID

    "vulnerabilityGroupId": "19b5794c82a148a9a89b8b31306f7875",
    "groupName": "Group 1",
    "vulnerabilityIds": [
    "vulnerabilityGroupId": "bd40c64b493042f9944d73ac3241fab7",
    "groupName": "Group CVE fix",
    "vulnerabilityIds": [