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Usage Metrics

This topic covers available Sonatype Nexus Repository instance usage metrics that display for administrators on their home screens after logging into the user interface.

Usage metrics were introduced in release 3.66.0 and significantly revised in release 3.77.0. Not every metric described below is available in all Nexus Repository versions or editions.

Usage information does not currently display for High Availability (HA) deployments.


Available Nexus Repository Usage Metrics

Depending on what Sonatype Nexus Repository edition you are using, you will see the information defined in the tables below concerning that instance's usage in the Usage Center. Note that not every metric is available in all versions or editions.

Note that all metrics are updated on an hourly basis; it will take up to an hour for metrics to update after making any changes to your usage.

Component Metrics

The first panel of usage metrics displays various information about the components in your Nexus Repository deployment. The table below explains these metrics in detail. Note that not every metric is available in all versions or editions.



Component metrics are updated on an hourly basis; counts are not live. It will take up to an hour for metrics to update after making any changes to your usage.


What it Means

Total components

Total number of components in this Sonatype Nexus Repository instance across all repository formats.

Calculated hourly by counting each individual component record in the database (i.e., ${format}_component table).

Docker components are aligned with Docker manifest tags. Layers are treated as assets and not considered in the component count.

Highest recorded component count (30 days)

Highest recorded number of components in this Sonatype Nexus Repository instance across all repository formats in the last 30 days.

Last time over the usage limit

Date and time when this deployment last exceeded the CE 100,000 total component limitation.

Request Metrics

The second panel of usage metrics displays various information about HTTP requests in your Nexus Repository deployment. The table below explains these metrics in detail. Note that not every metric is available in all versions or editions.



Request metrics are updated on an hourly basis; counts are not live. It will take up to an hour for metrics to update after making any changes to your usage.


What it Means

Requests per day

Number of requests to repository endpoints for all repositories in this Sonatype Nexus Repository instance over the past 24 hours. Calculated on an hourly basis.

Only considers requests to the /repository/* urls.

Peak requests per minute

Maximum number of requests per minute to repository endpoints for all repositories in this Sonatype Nexus Repository instance over the past 24 hours.

Only considers requests to the /repository/* urls.

Highest recorded request count (30 days)


Peak requests per day

Maximum number of requests per day to repository endpoints for all repositories in this Sonatype Nexus Repository instance over the past 30 days.

Only considers requests to the /repository/* urls.

Last time over the usage limit

Date and time when this deployment last exceeded the CE 200,000 requests per day limitation.

Login Metrics

The third panel of usage metrics displays login information for your Nexus Repository deployment. The table below explains these metrics in detail. Note that not every metric is available in all versions or editions.



Login metrics are updated on an hourly basis; counts are not live. It will take up to an hour for metrics to update after making any changes to your usage.


What it Means

Unique logins (last 24 hours)


Unique logins (last 30 days)

Unique successful logins to this Sonatype Nexus Repository instance in the last 24 hours and 30 days respectively.

Calculated by identifying a userID and realm combination as an individual identifier.

Only considers requests to the /repository/* urls.