The Logging settings and the Log Viewer are available under Administration → Support → Logging. Users require the nx-all
privilege to view this content.
From this user interface, configure logging for Nexus Repository and inspect the current logs. The Logging section allows you to manage pre-configured loggers and create new ones.
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Logging Levels
logger level controls how verbose the logging is in general. If set to DEBUG
, logging will be very verbose, printing all log messages including debugging statements. If set to ERROR
, logging will be far less verbose, only printing out a log statement if Nexus Repository encounters an error. INFO
represents an intermediate amount of logging.
The following table describes the different logging levels.
Level | Verbose | Description |
Highest | Includes every step of an event's code execution | |
Very High | Granular information to use for debugging | |
Typical | Provides information about events | |
Something unexpected occurred in the application but continues to operate. An issue that could disrupt processes. | ||
Critical | Nexus Repository has encountered an issue preventing proper functionality |
Configure Loggers
Some logger configuration changes between versions of Nexus Repository. You may have to reconfigure logs when upgrading your Nexus Repository.
The loggers configured in the user interface are persisted differently based on your setup.
In standard installations, loggers are stored in
, overriding levels set in$install-dir/etc/logback/logback.xml
and otherlogback-*
files. If you need to edit a logging level in those files, edit the overrides file. This will give you access to edit the configuration in the user interface at a later stage and also ensure that the values you configure take precedence.For high-availability (HA) environments, logger configurations are stored in the
database table for cluster-wide consistency.
Creating a Logger
Select Create Logger
Provide the logger's name. A logger's name corresponds to the Java package name.
Select the Logger Level
Select Save
Modifying a Logger's Logging Level
You can modify the log level for a configured logger by clicking on the row for the logger you wish to modify. This will bring you to a form where you can adjust the logging level using a Logger Level drop-down menu. Select the logging level you wish to use and then press the Update button to apply the change.
Logger levels are already set at optimal levels for normal operation. Setting loggers to more verbose levels may cause performance issues and any changes you make will take effect immediately. As a best practice, only adjust loggers to diagnose a specific problem and adjust them back to default levels after diagnosing that specific problem.
You can reset all default loggers to their default level by selecting the Reset to Default Levels button.
Opting to reset all loggers to default levels will also delete custom loggers without the underlying default logger configuration.
Deleting a Logger
Use the Reset to default levels button to remove all custom loggers and reset all default loggers to their default level.
The Log Viewer is not available when using a High Availability deployment option.
Commonly Adjusted Loggers by Feature Area
Nexus Repository default logger levels are intended to be verbose enough to help diagnose problems should you encounter them but quiet enough to not create overly large log files.
You can increase default log output verbosity when you need to gather more information about a problem or activity. In some cases, making a logger less verbose is justified to avoid spamming the application log with noisy messages.
Below are some of the loggers commonly adjusted by feature area. This is not a complete list and not all loggers are available in all versions of Nexus Repository.
Logger levels are already set at optimal levels for normal operation. Setting loggers to more verbose levels may cause performance issues. As a best practice, only adjust loggers to diagnose a specific problem and adjust them back to default levels after diagnosing that specific problem.
Diagnose LDAP Queries and LDAP Server Connection Stack Traces by setting logger org.sonatype.nexus.ldap
NuGet Repository Format
Set logger com.sonatype.nexus.repository.nuget
to diagnose NuGet issues.
Diagnose outbound webhook payloads by setting org.sonatype.nexus.internal.webhooks
Click to expand example log entries...
Example Log Entries
2016-12-14 17:09:43,902+0000 DEBUG [event-1-thread-2] admin org.sonatype.nexus.internal.webhooks.WebhookServiceImpl - Sending webhook request: WebhookRequest{id='9d80527e-8f7d-455a-a86b-191e9ac7ab9e', webhook=rm:repository:component, payload=org.sonatype.nexus.repository.webhooks.RepositoryComponentWebhook$RepositoryComponentWebhookPayload@2a89735b, url=http://requestb.in/abcd} 2016-12-14 17:09:44,420+0000 DEBUG [event-1-thread-2] admin org.sonatype.nexus.internal.webhooks.WebhookServiceImpl - Sending POST request: POST http://requestb.in/abcd HTTP/1.1 2016-12-14 17:09:44,736+0000 DEBUG [event-1-thread-3] admin org.sonatype.nexus.internal.webhooks.WebhookServiceImpl - Sending webhook request: WebhookRequest{id='29608664-b00b-4e1a-af3d-d0ced495fd57', webhook=rm:repository:component, payload=org.sonatype.nexus.repository.webhooks.RepositoryComponentWebhook$RepositoryComponentWebhookPayload@9ef9b8, url=http://requestb.in/abcd} 2016-12-14 17:09:44,760+0000 DEBUG [event-1-thread-3] admin org.sonatype.nexus.internal.webhooks.WebhookServiceImpl - Sending POST request: POST http://requestb.in/abcd HTTP/1.1 2016-12-14 17:09:44,765+0000 DEBUG [event-1-thread-2] admin org.sonatype.nexus.internal.webhooks.WebhookServiceImpl - Response status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK 2016-12-14 17:09:44,996+0000 DEBUG [event-1-thread-3] admin org.sonatype.nexus.internal.webhooks.WebhookServiceImpl - Response status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
When there is an error in posting to the webhook url, then you will see an error like the following:
2016-12-14 16:40:34,567+0000 ERROR [event-1-thread-16] admin org.sonatype.nexus.internal.webhooks.WebhookServiceImpl - Failed to send webhook request: WebhookRequest{id='071b719e-683d-4fb4-a031-12e292ed4ec0', webhook=rm:repository:component, payload=org.sonatype.nexus.repository.webhooks.RepositoryComponentWebhook$RepositoryComponentWebhookPayload@76beefa6, url=http://requestb.in/abcd} org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: Not found
User Interface
Diagnose UI search inbound JSON payloads by setting logger org.sonatype.nexus.coreui.SearchComponent
Log SAML-related activity by setting loggers com.sonatype.nexus.saml
and org.keycloak.saml
Log Viewer
The Log Viewer is not available when using a High Availability deployment option.
Once logging is configured as desired, you can view and download logs via the user interface in the Logs page, which is available under Administration → Support → Logs.
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A table on this screen contains available nexus, audit, cluster, and task logs. Select a specific log file to view its contents. The image below shows an example nexus.log file displayed in the user interface.
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Here, you can set the rate at which the log refreshes by selecting an option from the Refresh Rate drop-down menu. Available options include Manual, Every 20 Seconds, Every Minute, Every 2 Minutes, or Every 5 Minutes. You can manually refresh by selecting the refresh icon (two arrows in a circle) in the top menu.
You can also use the Size drop-down menu to opt whether to display the last 25KB, 50KB, or 100KB.
In nexus.log, you can also add a custom text string into the log in order to create reference points in the log file for analysis. In the Marker to insert into the log text box, type the text you wish to insert; then, select the Insert button. This will insert the text at the bottom of the log file. The text will be surrounded by asterisks (*) to make it easy to find. If you do not insert any of your own custom text in the text box, the button will insert the word "MARK" by default.
Finally, you can download a copy of the logs from the server to your machine by pressing the Download button.
PostgreSQL Logging
When Nexus Repository connects to an external PostgreSQL database, those databases maintain their own logging configurations. To effectively manage Nexus Repository, configure and monitor the PostgreSQL logs.
Find our recommended PostgreSQL logging settings in the configuration documentation.
Upload Log Files to an S3 Bucket
A custom log appender may be used to push and rollover logs to an S3 bucket.
Edit the logback configuration to supply the rolling policy for the appenders to include this capability.
This example for sending the audit logging to S3:
<appender name="auditlogfile" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender"> <File>../sonatype-work/nexus3/log/audit/audit.log</File> <Append>true</Append> <encoder> <pattern>%msg%n</pattern> </encoder> <filter class="org.sonatype.nexus.pax.logging.AuditLogFilter"/> <rollingPolicy class="com.sonatype.nexus.common.logging.s3.S3RemoteTimeBasedRollingPolicy"> <fileNamePattern>../sonatype-work/nexus3/log/audit/audit-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log.gz</fileNamePattern> <maxHistory>90</maxHistory> <!-- S3 options begin here --> <loggingThreadCount>1</loggingThreadCount> <bucketName>some-s3-bucket</bucketName> <bucketPrefix>node-1</bucketPrefix> <bucketRegion>us-west-2</bucketRegion> <!-- These fields are only needed when IAM permissions are not set for the runtime to access the above S3 bucket --> <accessKey>some-secret-access-key</accessKey> <secretKey>some-secret-key</secretKey> </rollingPolicy> </appender>
The S3 properties may be provided using the following environment variables when not supplied in the logback.xml.
: Number of threads for S3 loggingS3_LOGGING_BUCKET_NAME
: Name of the S3 bucketS3_LOGGING_BUCKET_PREFIX
: Root path for the logs upload; use this to indicate node namesS3_LOGGING_BUCKET_REGION
: Region of the S3 bucketS3_LOGGING_ACCESS_KEY
: Access key for the S3 bucketS3_LOGGING_SECRET_KEY
: Secret key for the S3 bucket.