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Deployment Options

Sonatype’s flexible deployment models let you Run Anywhere: in the cloud or on-premises.

Sonatype Lifecycle is available as:

  1. Lifecycle SaaS, our cloud offering in a secure, multi-tenant environment.

  2. Lifecycle Self-Hosted, for in-house deployment and full control over environment, infrastructure and assets at all times.

  3. Lifecycle Cloud, a Sonatype managed self-hosted solution for cloud-first customers who require a dedicated server.

Lifecycle SaaS

Lifecycle SaaS offers you the freedom from installing and maintaining our software on your IT infrastructure.

Lifecycle SaaS is based on a Multi-Tenant IQ (MTIQ) Architecture, that enables us to offer our newest innovations and improvements, without requiring an upgrade.

Our continuously updated Vulnerability Database keeps you secure from new vulnerability threats, as they are discovered and cataloged by the Sonatype Data Research Team.

Getting Started with Lifecycle SaaS

Lifecycle Self-Hosted

Lifecycle Self-Hosted offers you maximum flexibility by staying in control of your environment, infrastructure and assets.

You can control when to upgrade, based on the interactions of Lifecycle with other softwares in your ecosystem and the value provided by the new features in each release.

Download the latest version of Lifecycle Self-Hosted

Lifecycle Cloud

Lifecycle Cloud is similar to Lifecycle Self-Hosted, but managed by us.

Lifecycle Cloud customers do not share an instance with anyone else. Each instance is run over a secure connection in an Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment.

Learn more about Lifecycle Cloud