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Dependency Scorecard

The Dependency Scorecard is a visual representation of the quality of the component upgrade decisions made by your development teams. Based on the quadrant position of the selected application in the scorecard, you can pin-point the applications that are upgraded less frequently or have sub-optimal component versions. You will be able to view the applications you have access to.

The Y-axis on the scorecard, Relative Frequency Change indicates the frequency at which the application has undergone a change. An application is considered as changed when there is an addition of a new dependency and removal or upgrade of an existing dependency.

The X-axis on the scorecard, App Score is calculated based on the version of the new component or dependency that was detected during the application scan. Higher App Scores indicates a high quality upgrade based on the scoring rules. Learn more about our 8 rules for Upgrading to the Optimal Version.

Data Refresh Frequency: At 12:00 PM UTC, on day 1 of the month

Displays Data for: Last 365 days

Minimum Data Requirements for Meaningful Metrics: Applications should have been scanned on different days

Click on the data points in the scatter plot for the application name, App Score and its stage in the development pipeline.


Dependency Scorecard Quadrants

High Quality

An application in the upper-right quadrant has high quality scores, which usually means that the application code base is being maintained actively with optimal component versions.

Suggested Action: Keep staying ahead of the curve!

Rarely Changed

An application in the lower-right quadrant usually means that the application code base is not changed very frequently, although the component versions are as per our recommendations, giving it a high App Score.

Suggested Action: These could be legacy applications. Consider a "Tech Refresh" for dependency updates.

Actively Changed

An application in the upper-left quadrant usually means that code base is actively maintained but the component choices do not align with recommended versions, giving it a low App Score. Better component choices can improve the App Score for such applications.

Suggested Action: Spread awareness among your teams on the importance of making optimal choices when selecting component versions.

Low Quality

An application in the lower-left quadrant usually means that the code base is not actively maintained. The dependencies or component versions detected during scans did not align with the recommended versions. Such applications could pose a security risk to your environment and the supply chain at a larger scale.

Suggested Action: Immediate security policies and process improvements are recommended.

Key Indicators Affecting Dependency Score

Select an application name from the dropdown at the top to view the key indicators that affect the dependency score of the application. Only applications on which you have access to, will be accessible from the dropdown.




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