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As an administrator, you may schedule and execute maintenance tasks to automate repository management. Users with the nexus-tasks privilege may access this configuration.

View Tasks

The tasks table shows the following columns:

  • Name - A user-defined name to identify it in the user interface and log files.

  • Type - The list of available task types is documented in more detail below.

  • Status - Displays when a task is disabled, waiting for its next run, running, or the progress of the current run.

  • Schedule - Displays when the task is configured to run.

  • Next run - The date and time of the next execution are based on the schedule.

  • Last run and Last result - The result of the last execution.

Configure Tasks

Add new tasks by selecting "Create task " or edit existing ones. Custom fields are displayed for each task depending on the task type.

When creating or updating a scheduled task, configure the following default properties:

  • Task enabled - Enable or disable the task

  • Notification Email - Configure a notification email for the task execution

  • Notification Condition - Send on Failure or either Success or Failure

  • Task frequency - Configure the schedule for the task executions.

    Manual, Once, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Advanced 

    Advanced (provide a CRON expression) follows the UNIX-style CRON syntax

The characters are not case-sensitive. "LW" may be combined for the "last weekday of the month".
[seconds] [minutes] [hours] [day-of-month] [month] [day-of-week] [year]

* - any value; * in the minute field triggers every minute
? - allowed for the day-of-month and day-of-week fields for no specific value
- - to specify a range such as 10-12 for every hour in the range
, - to specify one than one value such as [MON,WED,FRI] in the day-of-week
/ - specify a start value and increment such as "0/15" for every 15 seconds
L - short-hand for the last value in a named range; common in the last day of the week or month
W - for a specific weekday of the month adjusted for the nearest weekday
# - specify "the nth" named day of the month; "6#3" for the third Friday(6) of the month

0 0 12 * * ?              ||  12pm (noon)
0 15 10 ? * *             ||  10:15am
0  * 14 * * ?             ||  Every minute between 2-3pm
0 0/5 14 * * ?            ||  Every 5 minutes between 2-3pm
0 0/5 14,18 * * ?         ||  Every 5 minutes between 2-3pm and 6-7pm
0 0-5 14 * * ?            ||  Every minute starting at 2pm and ending at 2:05pm, every day
0 10,44 14 ? 3 WED        ||  2:10pm and at 2:44pm every Wednesday in the month of March
0 15 10 ? * MON-FRI       ||  10:15am every Monday through Friday
0 15 10 15 * ?            ||  10:15am on the 15th day of the month
0 15 10 L * ?             ||  10:15am on the last day of the month
0 15 10 ? * 6L            ||  10:15am on the last Friday of every month
0 15 10 ? * 6#3           ||  10:15am on the third Friday of the month

Task Logs

The output of every task run go to a separate log file that is configured to be removed after 30 days. These task logs are stored in the following task directory:


The file name of each task log is the task type followed by the date and time the task started. For example:


The output of the task goes to the nexus.log and the specific task log. Some tasks only go to the nexus.log.

For long-running tasks, progress such as the number of items is logged to the nexus.log every 10 minutes.

Types of Tasks

Tasks are prefixed to fall into the following category types:

  • Admin

    Tasks that include regular maintenance such as backing up the database and cleaning up artifacts through cleanup policies. These tasks are often scheduled to run regularly.

  • Formats

    Format-specific tasks are typically to repair metadata and indexes. Some tasks are used for format-specific cleanup tasks which are scheduled regularly.

  • Repair

    Tasks with the "Repair" prefix are only intended to be run manually when encountering specific issues with your system.

    Only run these tasks at the advice of a Sonatype staff member.

  • Repository

    These tasks provide specific functionality such as import/export but include replication and some management tasks. These tasks may be scheduled depending on your use case. Here are some outliers:

    Admin - Change repository blob store
    Admin - Remove a member from a blob store group
    Admin - Log database table record counts
  • Statistics

    These tasks are for updating useful metrics available in the Repository user interface.

Task Name / ID



Admin - Backup H2 Database



Performs a full backup of the underlying config, security, and component databases when using the embedded H2 database. The task adds a timestamp to the backup files in the backup data location.

Choose a location for the backup data for this task. Schedule the task to run as required by your maintenance policy. This task does not back up the contents of the blob stores, only the database.

Admin - Export databases for backup



Performs a backup of the internal legacy OrientDB database and its underlying config, security, and component databases. Choose a safe location for the backed-up data. The task adds a timestamp to the backup files in the backup data location.

This task does not back up the repository content and temporarily puts the repository into a read-only state

Admin - Cleanup repositories using their associated policies



Deletes components based on your cleanup policies. The task is automatically created on server restart and is scheduled to run daily at 1 am server time. You may disable or reschedule the task.

See Cleanup Policies for more information.

Admin - Cleanup Tags



Remove tags and associated components based on your maintenance criteria.

See Tagging for details.

Admin - Cleanup unused asset blobs



This task soft-deletes unused blobs to prevent Nexus Repository from accidentally creating multiple blobs associated with the same asset. Nexus Repository creates one copy of the task for each format to run every 30 minutes. Use the delay minute/hour property to configure the interval before an asset is soft-deleted. This delay avoids soft-delete files that take a significant amount of time to upload to the repository.


Before version 3.62.0, this task deletes asset records from the related table regardless of the blob created time.

This task requires an H2 or PostgreSQL database.

Admin - Compact blob store



When components are deleted they are labeled as soft deleted. This task permanently removed soft-deleted files to recover storage space. This task does not apply to some object stores, which use their managed lifecycles.

See Cleanup Policies for more information.

Admin - Delete orphaned API keys



This task deletes unused API keys generated when using user tokens. Keys are orphaned when the user account is deleted.

Admin - Log database table record counts



This task logs clustered database record counts for each node. The task is automatically added when clustering is enabled and can be disabled by including an additional property in the file:


Admin - Change repository blob store


Use to change which blob store a repository stores it's components. This task requires H2 or PostgreSQL database.

See Change repository blob store for more details.

Admin - Delete blobstore temporary files


Deletes the temporary files a the blob store's temp directory. Only file blob stores are processed.

Admin - Execute script


Privously in Nexus Repository, scripts written in Groovy could executed in the tasks menu. These scripts used the APIs to perform maintenance and other modifications. To reduce security risk, as of version 3.21.2 this task is disabled.

See the documentation for the Script API.

Admin - Export SQL database to script


This task only exists in release 3.69.0 and is only necessary for deployments already using an H2 database.

See Upgrade H2 for details.

Admin - Remove a member from a blob store group

This task removes a blob store from a group. Each blob within the removed store is written back to the group and then deleted from the removed blob store.

Automatic Malware Management



Requires Repository Firewall

This task identifies the malware reported in the malware risk banner found in your proxy repositories.

For smaller deployments, selecting all repositories when running the task is recommended. For large deployments, consider setting up individual instances of the tasks for your largest proxy repositories. Run the task no more than once every 24 hours.

Apt - Rebuild Apt metadata


This task rebuilds the metadata for a chosen Apt-hosted repository.

Docker - Delete incomplete uploads



This task cleans up orphaned files that may exist in temporary storage as a result of a restart or incomplete/interrupted uploads.

The Age in Hours parameter allows you to configure the minimum age of incomplete uploads to be deleted.

Docker - Delete unused manifests and images



This task will handle the deletion of content that is no longer referenced, images that are no longer referenced by a tagged manifest, and V1 layers that are no longer referenced by a tagged layer.

Helm - Rebuild Helm metadata


Rebuilds the metadata for a chosen Helm-hosted repository.

Maven - Delete SNAPSHOT



Deletes SNAPSHOT components from a Maven repository based on a configured number of SNAPSHOTs, age, and release version.

See Maven SNAPSHOT Tasks for information.

Maven - Delete unused SNAPSHOT



This task has been replaced with the Cleanup Policies feature.

Deletes SNAPSHOT components from a Maven repository based on the number of days it has been since the component was last requested.

See Maven SNAPSHOT Tasks for information.

Maven - Publish Maven Indexer files


The task publishes the indexer files for all or a specific Maven repository.

Maven - Unpublish Maven Indexer files


This task is the counterpart to the task Maven - Publish Maven Indexer files and can remove the indexer files.

Repair - Rebuild Maven repository metadata (maven-metadata.xml)


Rebuilds maven-metadata.xml files while validating checksums (.md5/.sha1) in the maven-hosted repository. The parameters filter the components that are repaired.

The maven-metadata.xml files are maintained by the deploying clients. Only run manually to repair a corrupted repository.

PyPI - Delete index Asset MD5 Metadata


Deletes index assets with MD5 checksums on their links from PyPI repositories. Only removes the index and not the checksum.

PyPI - Delete legacy proxy assets


This task deletes old assets that were previously duplicated due to a code-path change.

PyPI - Generate Missing SHA256 Checksums


Generate sha256 checksums when missing from PyPI metadata.

Repair - Rebuild repository browse


Rebuild the tree browsing data from the database.

Repair - Rebuild repository search


With support for hosted and proxy repositories, this task rebuilds the search index. It inspects actual components and assets found in the selected repository and thus reflects the true content for supporting search and browse actions.

Canceling this task results in a partially rebuilt search index.

Repair - Recalculate blob store storage


This is a slow-running task used to fix incorrect blob storage sizes that should be used with care.

See recalculated blob storage performance testing for details.

Repair - Reconcile component database from blob store


Do not use this task during normal operation of the server.

Use this task to recover lost component metadata from a blob store when restoring content from backup and the database and blob storage are out of sync.

See the topic Reconcile Component Database task below.

Repair - Reconcile date metadata from blob store


Do not run this task except when Nexus Repository version 3.2.1 OR earlier was used and has been upgraded. This task was used to update files when they were missing the creation date.

Repair - Reconcile npm /-/v1/searchmetadata


Extracts the search metadata from npm packages in npm-hosted repositories to support the 'v1' search endpoint that replaced the 'all' endpoint.

Repair - Rebuild npm metadata


Rebuilds the metadata for an npm-hosted repository. Configure the task to rebuild metadata for all packages or a specified package. This task may be used to repair when the npm metadata has been corrupted.

Repair - Rebuild Yum repository metadata (repodata)


Rebuilds the metadata for a Yum-hosted repository. This task runs automatically after an RPM is uploaded, deleted, or redeployed. The default wait time is 60 seconds.

Replication - Backfill blob store attributes with component metadata


Adds missing metadata to files in the blob store for replication. Wait until this task finishes before configuring a replication connection.

Repository - Delete unused components


Use to soft-delete components not requested in the configured number of days from proxy repositories.

This task is replaced by the Cleanup Policies.

Repository - Import external files


Use to import external content into a repository.

See Repository Import for details.

Repository - Export assets


Use to export content from a repository.

See Repository Export for details.

Rubygems - Generate SHA256 Checksums


Generate sha256 checksums when missing from RubyGem metadata.

Repair - Rebuild Rubygems versions file


Rebuild the versions file in hosted RubyGems repositories. Only run manually to repair a corrupted repository.

Statistics - Recalculate vulnerability statistics



Provides the Log4j Visualizer with request log data. This task deletes the existing data that the visualizer is using and re-processes the logs.

See Log4j Visualizer for more details.

Reconcile Component Database From Blob Store Task

This task recovers lost component metadata from a blob store when restoring from backup, and the database and blob storage are out of sync. When executed, the task searches the selected blob store for blobs missing their associated metadata. The component metadata is restored based on the information contained in the blob store. This task should never be executed during normal operation of the server.

You may configure the task to only reconcile blobs created in the last specified number of days. This drastically reduces your recovery time. For file blob stores, do not set this number over 90 days. This is the maximum that Nexus Repository may recover for file blob stores.

As of the release of Nexus Repository 3.78.0, this task has been updated and automatically configured as two separate tasks. The new tasks are faster and more performant while allowing administrators to select the blob stores and repositories to prioritize the first.

  1. Plan Data Repair

    Verifies the data consistency in the blob store. The task creates a plan for the mismatches when executed with the dry run configuration.

  2. Execute Data Repair

    Run the plans created from the Plan Data Repair task in the PLANNED state. The plan is put into the EXECUTED state when finished.


Plan Data Repair

The Plan Data Repair task may take a significant amount of time to run which may impact recovery timing. Use the dry run and scoping properties to limit the amount of time the task takes to repair the prioritized repositories.

  • Dry Run

    Execute as a dry run to create a plan without making changes. This is used to determine the timing of the task when many repairs are needed. The Execute Data Repair task will need to be run to make any changes determined by the Plan Data Repair task executed as a dry run.

  • Blob Store

    Select the blob stores and order to repair.

  • Repository

    Select the repositories and the order in which to prioritize them for repair.

  • Timespan

    Include a limit on how far back the task looks for missing components based on the time they were added to the repository. The timing may be limited to a specific duration of time in days, hours, and minutes or by using a specified Start/End Date.


The following table lists the recovery scenarios covered by these tasks.


DB Row



Default Action





No Action





Report missing binary





Create properties file





Report missing binary





Create missing row





Report missing binary





No Action



Soft Delete


Remove soft delete flag



Soft Delete





Soft Delete








In scenario 8a the component hash in database matches the metadata while in scenario 8b it does not.

Currently, this task recovers metadata for:

Apt, Docker, Go, Helm, Maven, npm, NuGet, p2, PyPI, R, Raw, RubyGems, Yum

Run the following tasks once this task is completed. Running these tasks before the restore is complete results in errors for search and browse results.

Repair - Rebuild repository browse
Repair - Rebuild repository search

# when using npm
Repair - Reconcile npm metadata

# when using Yum
Repair - Rebuild Yum repository metadata (repodata)

API Reference

Both tasks may be configured and run using the following Reconcile Plan API endpoints. See the Swagger interface for the required properties and configuration.

GET /v1/reconcile/plan-details
POST /v1/reconcile/repair

Performance Testing

In terms of functional validation, in all tests executed, there were more than 99.9% of records created in the DB based on the blob files. The 100% is typically not reachable in all cases, as we're triggering a failure and there are a small number of missing records. Some tests reached 100% of the records recovery.

The formats used to test were raw and maven, while the results vary depending on the format, the general pattern of the task execution is similar for all of them.

  • While the system is back working in less than 20 minutes, the reconciliation task can take further time depending on the number of records missing.

  • In the Maven case, restoring more than 129K files may take more than 3 hours with a thread pool of 2.

  • It can take ~20 minutes to restore the RDS from a snapshot and start Nexus Repository. This value does not include the reconciliation times as they vary depending on the quantity of information to reconcile.

  • It can take between 13 and 51 milliseconds to restore each row missing from the blob files, this figure mainly depends on the thread pool size parameter. With the parameter set to 8, the time taken for raw assets to be restored can be 3X shorter than when having the parameter set to 2. The format to reconcile has to do with the performance of the task