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CloudFormation - Lifecycle

The following page describes the process for deploying the Sonatype IQ Server on Amazon Web Services using CloudFormation templates. The CloudFormation templates are for CentOS 7.


  • An Amazon Web Services account

  • Subscribe to the CentOS 7 image in the AWS Marketplace

If you have not already subscribed to the CentOS 7 image, do the following:

Navigate your browser to AWS Marketplace and sign in to your AWS account

Click the Continue to Subscribe button


To create the subscription, review the pricing information and accept the terms.


Your subscription request is processing...


Select Template

On the Select Template page, accept the defaults and click the Next button.


Specify Details

On the Specify Details page, fill in the name of your stack (Stack name). Optionally you can provide an EC KeyName for SSH access, a LogGroupName to log to the specified CloudWatch log group, a specific Sonatype IQ Server version to use as well as network-related configuration. Then, click the Next button.


If desired, fill out optional values on the Options page.



On the Review page, make certain to check acknowledgment and accept the other defaults. Select the Create button.


Stack Creation

You are taken to the CloudFormation Stacks page after selecting Create on the Review page.


Stack Completion

After several minutes, stack creation will be completed.


Website URL

To find the resulting Sonatype IQ Server website URL, select the stack name and open the Outputs tab. Then, click the WebsiteURL link.


Login to Sonatype IQ Server

The website URL link will take you to the Sonatype IQ Server login page.

The allocation of AWS resources takes a while and there will be a delay in Sonatype IQ Server spinning up. The CloudWatch log group generated for the stack will provide feedback as to the progress, generally, if there are no logs AWS is still doing its allocation.


SSH access to the Sonatype IQ Instance

To SSH into the AWS IQ Server instance, you need to use your AWS Key Pair, and the username to use is "centos".

Managing the Sonatype IQ Server service

The IQ Server is controlled by the service name "nexus-iq-server.service". Once you SSH into the instance as "centos", you can manage the service with:

To stop the service:

sudo systemctl stop nexus-iq-server.service

To start the service:

sudo systemctl start nexus-iq-server.service