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Nexus Repository Reference Architecture 5


Do you fit this profile?

This reference architecture describes deployment strategies and system requirements for a single Nexus Repository deployment.

  • 1,000+ licensed contributing developers who are part of the software development lifecycle

  • 1,000,000+ requests per day

  • 500+ repositories

  • 100TB+ blob storage

If you don’t fit this profile, please see the reference architecture main page to find the deployment profile that best matches your needs.

Very large enterprise-grade deployments require multiple Sonatype Nexus Repository Pro instances in a high-availability (HA) environment to appropriately handle demand.

There are two tested architectures to consider:

  1. High Availability (HA) Nexus Repository Pro deployment

  2. Read Proxies/Replication

High Availability Nexus Repository Pro Deployment

Sonatype Nexus Repository HA deployments can be accomplished using any of our HA deployment options.


System Requirements

  • 3-5 Sonatype Nexus Repository Instances/Replicas

  • Pro License

  • 16 CPU

  • 64GB RAM

  • 500G+ Instance Disk Size

  • Compatible PostgreSQL Database

    • 600+ Max Connections

    • 16GB+ Shared Buffer

    • 32GB+ Cache

Read Proxies/Replication


System Requirements

  • 3-5 Sonatype Nexus Repository Instances/Replicas

  • Pro License

  • 16 CPU

  • 64GB RAM

  • 500G+ Instance Disk Size

  • Compatible PostgreSQL Database

    • 600+ Max Connections

    • 16GB+ Shared Buffer

    • 32GB+ Cache

Setup Documentation