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Migrating from the Legacy OrientDB Helm Chart

As of 2023, we do not support the legacy OrientDB Helm chart. Deploying Nexus Repository in containers with an embedded database corrupts the database under some circumstances.

We support Helm charts for Nexus Repository deployments using an external PostgreSQL database. There is not a direct path to migrate from one chart to the other.

Migrating from the Legacy OrientDB Helm Chart to a non-Kubernetes Deployment

Migrate to a non-Kubernetes deployment with the most recent Nexus Repository version before migrating to PostgreSQL and using the HA Helm chart.

  1. Create a support zip from your old installation as described in Support Features.

  2. Back up your database using the methods described in Backup and Restore.

    When storing blobs in your data directory, also complete the blob store backup instructions in Backup and Restore.

    You do not need to back up your blob store if they are not in the Nexus Repository work directory.

  3. Uninstall the legacy OrientDB Helm chart.

    This will delete the database and blob stores under /nexus-data. Back up your database before doing this step.

  4. Obtain the latest Nexus Repository version from our Downloads page.

  5. Install Nexus Repository using your preferred Installation Method.

  6. Restore your exported database using the instructions in Restore Exported Databases.

Migrating to the High Availability Helm Chart (Optional)

  1. Complete the steps above to migrate to a non-Kubernetes deployment using the latest Nexus Repository version and OrientDB.

  2. Ensure you meet the System Requirements for High Availability Deployments.

    Including obtaining shared blob storage and a Nexus Repository Pro license.

  3. Follow our steps to migrate to PostgreSQL.

  4. Follow our documentation for high-availability deployments. A single HA helm chart is available for Azure, AWS, or on-premises deployments.

    Helm Chart in GitHub

    Helm Chart in ArtifactHub