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Nexus Repository 2 vs. Nexus Repository 3 Feature Equivalency Matrix

Nexus Repository 3 represents a complete rewrite of architecture and functionality. Some features from Nexus Repository 2 are no longer available in Nexus Repository 3.The matrix below provides details about features that have been replaced or removed in Nexus Repository 3.

Repository 2 Feature

Repository 3 Equivalent


Server Settings

(tick) Yes

These are settings under AdministrationServer in Nexus Repository 2


(tick) Yes

See Access Control and User Authentication

Local User Accounts

(tick) Yes


(tick) Yes

Names may change on upgrade from Nexus Repository 2 to 3. Note that transitive group privileges are implemented differently in Nexus Repository 2 and 3:

In Nexus Repository 2, when a user is given a privilege to a group repository, then that user will also have that privilege to all transitive members of that group repository.This permission access applies even if the HTTP requests are sent directly to the member repositories rather than the group repository.As repositories are added to or removed from a group, the user may gain or lose access to those individual repositories. (See more inthis Nexus Repository 2 support article.)

In Nexus Repository 3, when a user is given a privilege to a group repository, then that user will also have that privilege to all transitive members of that group repository only when their request is directed to the group repository. Direct requests to indvidual member repositories will only work if the user is given explicit permission to the individual repository.

The Upgrade Wizard does not detect this difference. After upgrading from Nexus Repository 2 to 3, you may need to manually assign privileges for individual repositories to a subset of users.


(tick) Yes

Maven Repositories

(tick) Yes

Proxy Repository of

(tick) Yes

See KB article to help getting this configured

Browse Remote



Repository Targets

(tick) Yes

Maps to content selectors

Manual Routing Rules

(tick) Yes

See Routing Rules

Maven Settings

(error) No

Automatic Routing

(error) No

We will consider similar optimization features like this in the future as warranted.

Smart Proxy

(tick) Yes

See Content Replication


(tick) Yes

The Procurement feature, which is limited to Maven in Nexus Repository 2, has been deprecated. Going forward, Sonatype's Nexus Firewall solution provides a far more robust and comprehensive set of features aimed at managing risky components via your repository.


(tick) Yes

Nexus Repository 2.x Staging has been replaced with a more robust solution that relies on component tagging to manage workflow. See our Nexus Repository 3 Staging topic for details.

Custom Metadata

(tick) Yes

Nexus Repository 3 has the ability to associate arbitrary data with any component in any repository format via it's tagging feature. However, there is no automated way to migrate Nexus Repository 2 custom metadata.

YUM Repositories

(tick) Yes

YUMproxy support is included in the Nexus Repository3.5.0 release and hosted support is included in the Nexus Repository 3.8.0 release. Feature was completed in 3.11.0.

p2 and p2 Update Site Repositories



RubyGems Repositories



PyPI Repositories



npm Repositories



NuGet Repositories



NuGet API Keys



Bower Repositories



Site Repositories



This is called Raw repository format in Nexus Repository 3

System Feeds

(error) No

We have no plans to upgrade System Feeds as the data is specific to the instance where it was generated. Near equivalent functionality is available through auditing and webhooks.


(tick) Yes

The Nexus Repository 2 branding configuration will not be upgraded automatically. Nexus Repository 3uses the Branding capability.


(tick) Yes

See the Nexus Repository 3 REST API documentation.


Note that NexusRepository 2REST APIs are not compatible with Nexus Repository 3.

Non-Sonatype Repository Plugins

(error) No

Nexus Repository 2 plugins are not compatible with Nexus Repository 3 OSGI bundle architecture

SSL Certificates

(tick) Yes

SSL certificates trusted in the UI will be upgraded, but not all of them may be applicable to a new server. Trusted certificates should be reviewed after your upgrade. The Upgrade Wizarddoes not automatically migrate the certificate that Nexus Repository uses for its own HTTPS connection.


(error) No

This little-used feature was removed in 3.15.




Nexus Repository OSS Servers



Nexus Repository Pro (Enterprise) Servers



Individual LDAP Server configurations will be upgraded. Backup Mirror servers will not be upgraded.

Mapped Users and Roles



Atlassian Crowd



After your upgrade, you will need to ensure your Crowd application is configured to accept connections from Nexus Repository 3

Mapped User and Roles



User Token



See the Prerequisites for Upgrading from Nexus Repository 2 to Nexus Repository 3 for information on how to include pre-existing user tokens from your Sonatype Nexus Repository 2 instance when upgrading to Nexus Repository 3.

IQ Server Configuration



The Upgrade Wizard will clone IQ Server configuration and expects that Nexus Repository 3 will use the same IQ Server as Nexus Repository 2. The data inside IQ Server for Nexus Repository 2 will be cloned to work with the repositories upgraded to Nexus Repository 3.

Repository Health Check Analysis (RHC)



As of release 3.55.0, those who have enabled IQ Server under Administration → IQ Server and have Sonatype Repository Firewall as a feature on that IQ Server instance will not see Repository Health Check in their Sonatype Nexus Repository instance. Firewall is a much more fully featured tool for identifying security risks in your repositories. Learn more about Sonatype Repository Firewall on

RUT Auth Realm



This will NOT be upgraded automatically. This feature can be a security concern when enabled. Configure this manually inside Nexus Repository 3 when you are confident that Nexus Repository 3 access is protected.