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Sonatype Nexus Repository Feature Matrix

The table below outlines Nexus Repository features are available in Sonatype Nexus Repository 3 OSS vs. Pro.

Whether you're looking to upgrade, curious about a specific format, or just simply want a bird's-eye view of features, check back often as we update this table whenever new features are released.

If you are an existing Nexus Repository 2 user and are looking to understand the equivalent feature in Nexus Repository 3, you can also check out our Nexus Repository 2 to 3 Feature Equivalency topic.

Accessibility Note: Unsupported items are represented with a red x "(error)" icon; supported items are represented with a green "(tick)" icon.

* As of release 3.55.0, those who have enabled IQ Server under Administration → IQ Server and have Sonatype Repository Firewall as a feature on that IQ Server instance will not see Repository Health Check in their Sonatype Nexus Repository instance. Firewall is a much more fully featured tool for identifying security risks in your repositories. Learn more about Sonatype Repository Firewall on

If you have questions about a specific feature, contact


We aim to provide support for every format available. However, we also have to prioritize according to the needs of our customers. If you want to see OBR supported, check out the Sonatype Ideas portal and vote for this idea!

Custom Metadata

The Custom Metadata feature has been replaced with the new component tagging feature.


There are are number of plugins available for Nexus Repository 3, and more coming all the time. View the entire list of plugins at Nexus Exchange. If you’ve created a Nexus Repository plugin, reach out to our Community Advocate, and we’ll help you through the process of getting it out to other Nexus Repository users.