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Browsing Repositories and Repository Groups

Browsing allows you to inspect the contents of any repository or repository group for all supported repository formats.

Users with the nx-repository-view Privilege can access the left navigation item.

To access the browse feature, select the Browse button (137202903.png) in the main toolbar and then the left navigation Browse option (67210439.png). This will display a list of all repositories and repository groups.

Browse UI with the browse button highlighted

Select a repository or repository group to view a navigable tree containing all assets in the repository. You can filter the tree content, expand nodes, and select components or assets for more detail. Nodes in the tree are sorted in case insensitive order. Versions are sorted semantically.


When you select a component or asset, an information view appears on the right. The information in this view is the same as the asset and component information views for search, but laid out as a series of scrolling panels instead of separate tabs. Additionally, in Sonatype Nexus Repository Pro, there will also be a scrolling panel named Component Tags that will present tags information in the same manner as when viewing tag information in the search results view.



UI is limited to showing a max of 10,000 components per level for performance.


To view and browse a repository and its contents through a simple HTML view, select the HTML View link at the top of the browse tree.


This opens a simple HTML view of the given repository; its corresponding web service endpoint (URL) is available in the address bar.


Security Details

In the event you do not want to give your users full nx-repository-view-* permission to browse, there are a number of limiting options available.

  • Read gives the ability to access the contents of the repository via client tools, REST, curl and the like. It does not give any UI permissions (e.g. you cannot see the Browse left nav item with just this permission).

  • Browse gives the ability to access the UI Browse feature via the left navigation and the see details of contents and download as described above.

  • Add gives the ability to send a POST request to Sonatype Nexus Repository to upload contents. This does not give any access to the UI (UI Upload uses anotherprivilege). NOTE: Most formats in Sonatype Nexus Repository 3 use PUT requests which could cause this permission to seem like it's not working. If Add is not working for you, tryEdit.

  • Edit gives the ability to send a PUT request to Sonatype Nexus Repository to upload contents. This does not give any access to the UI (UI Upload uses anotherprivilege). NOTE: Some formats in Sonatype Nexus Repository 3 use POST requests which could cause this permission to seem like it's not working. If Edit is not working for you, tryAdd.

  • Delete gives the to delete content from repositories but adding and editing creation is not allowed. Note, this does not give the ability to see the contents soRead or Browse will be needed in addition, depending on the delete method being used.

The stars in nx-repository-view-*-*-* represent format, repository and limiting options above respectively, * being inclusive of all. So *-*-* as shown is all formats, all repositories, all options.