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Uploading Components

This section details uploading third-party or proprietary components to hosted repositories via the Nexus Repository user interface.

Requirements for Uploading Components in Nexus Repository

Before uploading components to Nexus Repository, ensure you meet the following requirements:

  1. The user account requires these privileges; the privileges may be limited to a specific repository rather than global by replacing the stars with the format type and repository name.

    1. nx-component-upload

    2. nx-repository-admin-*-*-edit

  2. Optionally, you may benefit from having the following privileges as well as they will allow you to view the results of your upload:

    1. nx-repository-admin-*-*-browse

    2. nx-repository-admin-*-*-read

  3. You may only upload to a hosted repository.

  4. The files you upload must be a supported type for your intended repository's format.


Steps to Upload a Component in Nexus Repository

The steps below provide a basic outline for uploading a component to a hosted repository in Nexus Repository. However, note that available form fields differ between formats:

  1. From the Browse view in Nexus Repository (available by selecting the cube icon in the top navigation bar), navigate to either the Upload or Browse screen.

  2. Select the hosted repository to which you would like to upload a component.

    1. When performing this action from the Browse table of repositories, you need to select the Upload component button.

    2. When performing this action from the Upload section, you are taken directly to the upload form.

  3. Select the Choose File button; then, select the file you would like to upload.

  4. Provide details in the form for the given repository format. For example, the Maven format requires component coordinates. See Uploading a Pom File to a Maven Repository for more details.

  5. (Pro Only) Optionally, add any desired tags to the component. The tags must already exist in the Nexus Repository to add them during the component upload. See Tagging to learn more.

  6. Select Upload at the bottom of the form.

Upon successful upload, you will be taken to search results for the path to the component that you uploaded.


Uploading a Pom File to a Maven Repository

When uploading a pom file to a Maven repository, Nexus Repository extracts the coordinates from the file. The other artifacts uploaded at the same time are included in the extracted coordinates.


The table below details what each component coordinate indicates:



Group ID

A group identifier represents the reserved namespace by the stakeholders for their components. Groups often reflect the organization under which the software component is produced.

Artifact ID

The artifact identifier is the descriptive name for a software component. The combination of a group identifier and artifact identifier must be unique.


The version of a project in semantic versioning. Versions may include alphanumeric qualifiers to denote the release status such as "1.2.3-BETA".


The packaging describes the binary software format, such as; zip, jar, war, ear, and aar.

Advanced Usage

The file upload is intended for simple access to uploading through the UI. To batch uploads or automatically extract coordinates from the .jar file, see the REST and Integration API.REST and Integration API

Repository format

Valid file types

Multiple file upload

Maven release only

No restrictions, common types include

.pom .jar .war .ear .zip



No restrictions



.deb .udeb



.tgz .tgz.prov












.tar.gz .tgz






None with permissive policy

otherwise .rpm .drpm
