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2018 Release Notes

Repository Manager 3.14.0


Sonatype is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Nexus Repository 3.14.0. A summary of the highlights in this release is shown below.

New and Noteworthy

Security Fixes for multiple CVEs

Multiple security vulnerabilities have been corrected in 3.14. For details, please see:

Sonatype recommends that administrators running 3.13 and earlier upgrade immediately.

Cleanup Policies

This release introduces Cleanup Policies which are intended to eventually be a complete solution to cleanup old or unwanted components and replace a number of tasks which already exist. Briefly, you would create a cleanup policy for a format with the details of the criteria to cleanup. Then you'd assign the policy to a repository or repositories and then repeat creating and assigning as many times as needed. Cleanup itself runs as a task on a schedule determined by you doing the work automatically. This release focused on having a basic set of actions for all formats.

Tags and Custom Attributes


Tags and Custom Attributes are now in the UI.

Search Improvements

NEXUS-8884, NEXUS-8798, NEXUS-13227, NEXUS-12691

A number of improvements have been made to the search functionality.

Staging: more formats can move and delete

NEXUS-16673, NEXUS-16674

Professional users can now move and delete components in NuGet and YUM hosted repositories

Maven metadata rebuild task performance improvement


The maven metadata rebuild task previously could be slow. The performance has been improved in this release.

Content selector permissions to staging operations


Content selectors can be used to allow staging operations on portions of repositories as opposed to the entire repo or nothing.

General Improvements

Browse Storage

  • [NEXUS-17690] - Browse Docker Repository causes IllegalArgumentException 'Comparison method violates its general contract'

Repository Health Check

  • [NEXUS-17741] - Resolve Repository Health Check invalid states post-restart


  • [NEXUS-17772] - Migration from 2 to 3 leaves low heap memory ERROR in Nexus 3 performance

  • [NEXUS-17460] - Nexus 2 to 3 upgrade fails with concurrency error in NuGet


  • [NEXUS-17548] - Docker proxy repositories auto-block for images that don't exist


  • [NEXUS-12033] - Add method to configure request timeout via UI

  • [NEXUS-14593] - Errors reported when accessing UI via index.html

  • [NEXUS-17259] - NullPointerException and upload hangs using UI to upload a larger file to raw repository


  • [NEXUS-17614] - HTML Browse View Encodes File Paths


  • [NEXUS-16312] - Metadata for NPM group considers pre-release version higher than actual version


  • [NEXUS-17921] - REST API upload that fails due to lack of permissions returns 404 (not found)


  • [NEXUS-17611] - 404s returned for packages containing build-metadata in version

  • [NEXUS-17712] - Nuget repo unable to proxy packages with 4 digit version

User Token

  • [NEXUS-17498] - Option to generate URL-safe user tokens for URL based authentication


  • [NEXUS-10692] - Do not prompt for user credentials for RUT authenticated users


  • [NEXUS-17886] - Yum metadata from unrelated folder incorrectly removed when regenerating a folder


  • [NEXUS-17233] - Restarting while backup is in progress leaves NXRM as read-only

Repository Manager 3.13.0


Sonatype is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Nexus Repository 3.13.0. A summary of the highlights in this release is shown below.

New and Noteworthy

Request Log Line Format Change


The default request.log line format has changed to include the request Content-Length header value. External log parsers like Splunk may need adjustment to account for this change.



The REST API has been released under new v1 endpoints (/service/rest/v1/...). While the previous endpoints will remain available (e.g., /service/rest/beta/...) they are subject to change; it is highly recommended to update any integrations to leverage the new endpoint paths.

General Improvements

Scheduled Tasks

  • [NEXUS-9605] - Task last run and last result not persisted correctly

  • [NEXUS-13121] - Tasks may appear as 'Starting' or 'Cancelling' indefinitely and cannot be stopped, cancelled, or deleted

  • [NEXUS-17008] - Task will never run again if its previous run time passes its next scheduled start time

  • [NEXUS-17262] - Removing repository does not remove tasks specific to the removed repository


  • [NEXUS-16545] - Yum Metadata Generation performance improvements


  • [NEXUS-17440] - "Unable to detect which node you are currently connected to" warning can appear in non-clustered instance

Maven Repository

  • [NEXUS-16430] - Connection reset when uploading large file using Apache Ivy


  • [NEXUS-17455] - Last-Modified not returned in header for migrated RAW artifacts

  • [NEXUS-16985] - Nexus 2 to 3 migration fails if there are staging build promotion repositories


  • [NEXUS-15714] - Continue to serve locally cached proxied npm packages that are unpublished on the remote


  • [NEXUS-16476] - Do not change NuGet API key when a user's password is changed


  • [NEXUS-16461] - New rubygems dependency files are cached in blob storage every time Nexus requests them from a proxy repository remote


  • [NEXUS-17231] - User role mappings will match user IDs case insensitively for LDAP, Crowd, and default authentication realms


  • [NEXUS-16409] - Support HTTP DELETE requests on RPMs to a Yum hosted repository

Repository Manager 3.12.1


Sonatype is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Nexus Repository 3.12.1. This is a patch release fixing a single urgent bug noted below.

Upload UI

  • [NEXUS-17287] - Maven UI/REST API upload results in empty pom

Repository Manager 3.12.0


Sonatype is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Nexus Repository 3.12.0. A summary of the highlights in this release is shown below.


Version 3.12.0 has a critical bug regarding the Maven Upload UI/REST endpoint. When uploading a POM file (and not having it autogenerated), empty content is stored for the file. If you are using Maven repositories and plan on uploading files through the UI or REST interface, it is HIGHLY recommended to not use this version, rather use version 3.12.1 (or newer) where the issue is resolved.

New and Noteworthy

Built-in S3 Blobstore support


We've taken the popular S3 Blobstore Plugin and are now including it with OSS and PRO distributions.

General Improvements


  • [NEXUS-16980] - User tokens cannot be retrieved by users who have "nx-usertoken-current" privilege

Upload UI

  • [NEXUS-16740] - Upload interface doesnt update or create metadata after upload file


  • [NEXUS-16225] - Swagger UI caching causing load problems on upgrade


  • [NEXUS-11139] - ConcurrentModificationException when deleting NPM resource


  • [NEXUS-15582] - docker proxy repository does not work for

  • [NEXUS-16718] - "scope" authentication errors when connecting to

  • [NEXUS-16992] - 403 forbidden when a proxy repository authenticates to private docker registry in gitlab

Repository Manager 3.11.0


Sonatype is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Nexus Repository 3.11.0. A summary of the highlights in this release is shown below.

New and Noteworthy

Restore Directory Location Changed


We found old database restore location ($data-dir/backup) was causing confusion. The location has been changed, database backups should be placed in ($data-dir/restore-from-backup) for restoration as of the 3.11.0 release.

Yum Group


This release includes the ability to create Yum Group repositories.

Staging via REST API


Nexus Repository Manager PRO customers are now able to utilise REST API endpoints for staging requirements into their CI/CD pipeline. The REST API exposes tag, move and delete endpoints to accomplish this.

Upload UI

PRO customers now have the ability to tag components while uploading them through the UI.

General Improvements


  • [NEXUS-16227] - Roles are cleaned up when an associated repository has been deleted


  • [NEXUS-16387] - Rebuild of browse nodes is only performed on available repositories

  • [NEXUS-16584] - Fix to uploading large artifacts


  • [NEXUS-16393] - Correctly merge non-timstamped maven-metadata.xml files

  • [NEXUS-16539] - 401 responses now engage auto-blocking


  • [NEXUS-16753] - Connection pool leak when docker hub proxy repository receives 401 responses from

  • [NEXUS-16757] - Ensures deletion of incomplete upload task


  • [NEXUS-16561] - Some database backups were prevented

Repository Manager 3.10.0


Sonatype is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Nexus Repository 3.10.0. A summary of the highlights in this release is shown below.

New and Noteworthy

Component Tagging and Custom Attributes

This release includes a preview of our REST endpoints for component tagging (NXRM Pro only), which allows NXRM users to search for components and tag them, creating arbitrary collections of components. Tags also support custom attributes, which makes it possible to attach user-supplied information to tagged components.

In an upcoming release, it will be possible to tag components as they are uploaded to NXRM, making it possible to identify collections of components as a 'build'. This will form the basis of our upcoming staging features.

Hosted NuGet Queries Now Return Supported Frameworks


Hosted NuGet queries will now return supported frameworks that don't have listed dependencies - previously frameworks without dependencies were incorrectly ignored.

This fix applies to all new packages that are deployed. If you have existing packages that are affected and can't redeploy them this script (NEXUS-14839-fixNugetDependencies.groovy) will need to be run once to successful completion on version 3.10.0 and greater.

Docker Push of Multilayer Images Now Works in HA-C


Docker push of images containing multiple layers to an NXRM HA cluster running behind a load balancer is now properly handled.

General Improvements


  • [NEXUS-15816] - Paged results sets can now be disabled in LDAP searches


  • [NEXUS-10030] - Pre-released NuGet packages are now identified by their version string to workaround a NuGet bug


  • [NEXUS-16425] - Download endpoint now only returns the jar file if Maven classifier parameter is set


  • [NEXUS-16248] - Roles with circular references can no longer be created

Tree View

  • [NEXUS-16470] - User-supplied filters are now properly escaped and sanitized

Upload UI

  • [NEXUS-16454] - Raw repository upload now works in IE11

  • [NEXUS-16503] - Artifacts can now be uploaded to the root of a Raw repository


  • [NEXUS-15745] - Yum proxy is now able to remove absolute URLs for metadata files that aren't at the root of a repository

Repository Manager 3.9.0


Sonatype is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Nexus Repository 3.9.0. A summary of the highlights in this release is shown below.

New and Noteworthy

Upload components to a repository from the UI


This is the new and improved version of the upload feature that exists in Nexus Repository 2. For Nexus Repository 3, we support uploads to hosted Maven, Raw, npm, PyPI, NuGet, and RubyGems repositories.

Nexus Firewall now supported on OSS


This release makes it possible to use Nexus Firewall with Nexus Repository OSS, for those who want the ability to block bad components from entering their repositories, but don’t necessarily need the full set of capabilities in Nexus Repository Pro.

Yum Proxy and Hosted support conditional GET

NEXUS-15815, NEXUS-16066

When making request to either a hosted or proxy yum repository, Nexus will respond properly when a If-Modified-Since header is present.

Remove support for the non-gzipped specs 4.8 from Rubygems


The public RubyGems repository has removed support for the uncompressed specs.4.8 index file and this ticket removes it from NXRM.

Anyone running a Rubygems client earlier than 1.8 will have to update when upgrading to the latest version of NXRM.

If you have any third party tools that are accessing the specs.4.8 endpoint directly they will receive a 404. They should be redirected to the specs.4.8.gz endpoint instead.

Example old endpoint = http://localhost:8080/repository/ruby-hosted/specs.4.8

Example new endpoint = http://localhost:8080/repository/ruby-hosted/specs.4.8.gz

General Improvements


  • [NEXUS-10255] NPM proxy failed with 404 for requests with version specified

Repository Health Check,Upgrade

  • [NEXUS-15746] Health check config database upgrade sometimes fails


  • [NEXUS-15795] Yum hosted caches 404 responses for files unnecessarily due to negative cache handler


  • [NEXUS-15461] Allow more tasks to be canceled

Repository Manager 3.8.0


Sonatype is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Nexus Repository 3.8.0. A summary of the highlights in this release is shown below.

Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities

Multiple XSS vulnerabilities have been discovered in Nexus Repository 3.x up to and including version 3.7.1. We recommend upgrading to 3.8.0 or later immediately. See our support knowledge base article for more information.

Yum Hosted


With our initial support for Yum Proxy released in version 3.5.0 we are now continuing on with the Yum Hosted. This new feature is no longer built on top of Maven and no longer dependant on the external createrepo program. Yum hosting is now platform independent. Yum group repository and support for upgrading 2.x yum repositories to 3.x will be included in future releases.

Use permissive Deploy Policy if you're using Maven to deploy RPMs to Yum Hosted.

REST API deprecating /siesta


We have removed "/siesta/" from all of our REST endpoints, so you'll need to update your integrations. For example, the "/service/siesta/rest/v1/script" endpoint has been moved to "/service/rest/v1/script".

Upgrading from 3.x

This version upgrades Eclipse Jetty from 9.3.x to 9.4.x. This upgrade required a line to be removed from the shipped <install-dir>/etc/jetty/jetty-http.xml and <install-dir>/etc/jetty/jetty-https.xml as compared to previous versions.

Startup will fail if you try to use a jetty configuration file from a previous version that contains the following line:

line that will fail startup if present in jetty-http.xml or jetty-https.xml

<Set name="selectorPriorityDelta"><Property name="jetty.http.selectorPriorityDelta" default="0"/></Set>

This highlights why it is important to always compare install files you previously modified on upgrade as recommended by our upgrade instructions.

Upgrading from 2.x

If you’re upgrading from Nexus Repository 2, you must first upgrade your installation to 2.14.6.

General Improvements


  • [NEXUS-15467] - Make blob store type field not editiable


  • [NEXUS-14956] - Upgrade to Eclipse Jetty 9.4.x


  • [NEXUS-12452] - Bower install no longer fails when user has only group level privileges

Content Selectors,Tree View

  • [NEXUS-15545] - Tree view now works properly with content selectors


  • [NEXUS-14969] - HA-C nodes now properly rejoin their cluster after cluster shutdown

  • [NEXUS-15084] - HA-C properly syncs user accounts between nodes


  • [NEXUS-15147] - Prevent ConcurrentModificationException when editing multiple user roles


  • [NEXUS-15364] - Logging from different task threads may log to the same task log if tasks are started within the same second


  • [NEXUS-12482] - Inconsistent behaviour with upload to snapshot repository fixed


  • [NEXUS-15282] - NPM allows redeploys despite Deploy Policy

  • [NEXUS-15425] - Assets now properly updated when a npm package is republished


  • [NEXUS-15466] - Welcome screen content is now displayed for administrators who are mapped in via LDAP group


  • [NEXUS-15202] - Take classifier into account when downloading a jar through the REST endpoint /rest/beta/search/assets/download

  • [NEXUS-15088] - Incorrect error response code 406 for bad ID in DELETE /component

  • [NEXUS-15089] - Error response code 204 not listed in REST API codes for component and asset delete


  • [NEXUS-15131] - Component naming for Yum Proxy now matches RPM header