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Yum Repositories


Yum or "Yellowdog Updater, Modified" is a command line package management utility for Linux distributions using the RPM package manager. It allows you to easily install many commonly used Linux packages on distributions such as RedHat, CentOS, and Fedora.


We do not currently support upgrading Yum repositories on Nexus Repository version 2 to Nexus Repository version 3.

Nexus Repository does not support new Yum v4 features.

Proxying Yum Repositories

You can set up a Yum proxy repository to access a remote repository location.

To proxy a Yum repository, you simply create a new yum (proxy) as documented in Repository Management.

Minimal configuration steps are as follows:

  • Define Name (e.g., yum-proxy)

  • Define URL for Remote storage (e.g.,

  • Pick a Blob store for Storage


Nexus Repository does not create a default Yum proxy repository. You will need to determine which repositories are appropriate for your environment.

See Proxying RHEL Yum Repositories for instructions on proxying Red Hat Enterprise Linux Yum repositories. Also, see GPG signatures for Yum Proxy/Group for signing data with a GPG key.

Hosting Yum Repositories

A hosted repository for Yum can be used to upload both your own and third-party RPMs. To host a Yum RPM, create a new yum (hosted) repository as documented in Repository Management.

Minimal configuration steps for creating a Yum Hosted repository are as follows:

  • Define Name e.g., yum-hosted

  • Select a value for Repodata Depth

  • Pick a Blob store for Storage

Repodata Depth

When creating a hosted Yum repository, you'll need to pick a Repodata Depth. This sets the level at which the repodata metadata folder will be created as well as the expected minimum folder depth at which the RPMs can exist in order to match. Nexus Repository will reject RPMs with less depth.

For example, if your package is created at /games/lol/ashe.rpm, then the Repodata Depth would be "2." When pushing the RPM, the metadata would be created at that level.

However, if you also had /games/poker.rpm, then you'd want to have Repodata Depth equal to "1," which would account for both the poker.rpm and the ashe.rpm in this example.

If you had Repodata Depth as "2" and tried to push /games/poker.rpm, Nexus Repository would reject it.

In either case, pushing /games/wow/horde/thrall.rpm would work as it has a depth greater than both "1" and "2."


Repodata Depth is an editable field after repository creation, however, it is not a recommended practice. Adjusting it to a value that's deeper than you have existing data will cause issues with your repository which would need to be resolved by a Rebuild Yum Metadata task run, after the value is corrected.

Layout Policy

When configuring your hosted Yum repository, you can configure a Layout Policy that defaults to Strict.

When this is set to Strict, users can only upload Yum-specific files (RPMs, comps.xml). When this is set to Permissive, users can upload any file of any type.


A Layout Policy of Permissive is required to use the Maven deploy plugin with a hosted Yum repository.

GroupingYum Repositories

A repository group for Yum allows you to expose the aggregated content of multiple proxy and hosted Yum repositories with one URL to your client tools and is recommended to minimize configuration.

To create a Yum group repository, create a new repository using the recipeyum (group)as documented inRepository Management.

Minimal configuration steps are as follows:

  • DefineName

  • SelectBlob storeforStorage

  • Add Yum repositories to theMemberslist in the desired order

A typical example would be to group the following:

  1. The proxy repository that proxies an external Yum repository (for example CentOS)

  2. A hosted Yum repository for internal RPMs

  3. another hosted Yum repository for third-party RPMs

Notable Yum Group Functionality

  • Using the repository URL of the repository group as your Yum baseURL in your client tool gives you access to the RPMs in all member repositories with one URL.

  • Any RPM added to a hosted or proxy repository becomes immediately available to all users of the Yum repository group.

  • Metadata for a Yum group is not generated until a request or search is made against the group.

  • A Yum group will only merge the content of members that are using the same endpoint as other members.

    • For example, to be able to use a Yum group endpoint that contains a hosted repository and a proxied CentOS (configured endpoint$version/os/$arch ), your hosted structure should follow the same endpoint convention. This means using a repodepth of "3" and pushing your RPMs to http://<ip-address>/repository/yum-hosted/7/os/x86_64/example.rpm for CentOS 7 and x86_64 architecture respectively.

  • Deviating from a common structure will not merge metadata.

    • Using the same example in the point above, if you pushed the RPMs to the hosted repository as http://localhost:8081/repository/yum-hosted/extras/x86_64/example.rpm, the metadata will be available for use but it will not be merged.

See the Configuring Yum Client subsection for details on how to configure your Yum client.

Deploying Packages to Yum Hosted Repositories

The Yum client does not come with a method for uploading RPMs; however, you can use many other tools to upload files to a hosted Yum repository using a simple HTTP PUT.

The following example uses the curl command and the admin user's default credentials to upload a test.rpm file to a hosted Yum repository with the name test.rpm:

curl -v --user 'admin:admin123' --upload-file ./test.rpm http://localhost:8081/repository/yum-hosted/test.rpm

Be default, Yum metadata is generated after 60 seconds when you upload an RPM.

While not typically necessary, you can also configure the Repair - Rebuild Yum repository metadata (repodata) task to create the metadata if the standard generation fails.

Comps.xml (Package Grouping)

Nexus Repository supports Yum package groups when you upload a comps.xml file or a comps.xml.gz file. You must use the exact filename in order for Nexus Repository to detect the file and include it in the repomd.xml file.

curl -v --user 'admin:admin123' --upload-file ./b686d3a0f337323e656d9387b9a76ce6808b26255fc3a138b1a87d3b1cb95ed5-comps.xml http://localhost:8081/repository/yum-hosted/repodata/comps.xml
curl -v --user 'admin:admin123' --upload-file ./b686d3a0f337323e656d9387b9a76ce6808b26255fc3a138b1a87d3b1cb95ed5-comps.xml.gz http://localhost:8081/repository/yum-hosted/repodata/comps.xml.gz

Installing Yum

Yum should come pre-installed with RedHat, CentOS, Fedora, and a long list of Linux flavors. If your system does not have Yum preinstalled, you may have larger problems that cannot be solved in these docs.


Fedora users are encouraged to use as of Fedora version 20. DNF is currently backwards compatible and should work with Nexus Repository 3, but it is not explicitly supported.

Configuring Yum Client

Create a nexus.repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d/ that looks similar to the following:


name=Nexus Repository

GPG Check

The example nexus.repo file shown above sets repo_gpgcheck to '0,' intentionally disabling GPG checks on the Yum metadata files. We do not consider it a risk to not perform GPG checks on metadata files.

We believe the only attack vector would be to insert absolute URLs to a different remote. Nexus Repository removes absolute URLs from metadata files, which neutralizes this threat. Furthermore, the Yum packages that Nexus Repository downloads from the remote URLs will continue to be verified correctly by the Yum client since gpgcheck is set to '1'.


Enabling gpgcheck tells the Yum client to verify the contents of the packages downloaded from Nexus Repository, but not the repository metadata files; Nexus Repository operations will overwrite these metadata files.

If you have set gpgcheck to enabled, you'll want to provide the location of the gpgkey, replacing the value we've shown in the example above.

Browsing Yum Repositories and Searching Packages

You can browse Yum repositories in the user interface as described in Browsing Repositories and Repository Groups.

You can also search for Yum packages in the user interface. This search finds all packages that are currently stored in Nexus Repository as described in Searching for Components.