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Administration Menu

The Administration menu, located on the left panel, contains the following sections:


The Repository section allows you to manage all Repositories and related configurations such as Routing and Targets.

IQ Server

The IQ Server item (visible to users with nx-all or nx-settings privileges) allows you to configure the connection of Sonatype Nexus Repository to IQ Server. Further documentation is available in the Sonatype Lifecycle.


This section provides access to all the configuration features related to the authentication and authorization of users including Privileges, Roles, Users, but also LDAP, Atlassian Crowd (Pro only), SSL Certificates and User Token (Pro only).


Access several features that allow you to administer and monitor your repository manager successfully like Logging and System Information.


The general configuration for getting started and running the repository manager with e.g. HTTP or Email Server settings but also Capabilities and Tasks to run regularly and other configurations.