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Moving from a High Availability Deployment to a Single Instance

This topic provides instructions to follow should you need to move from a clustered, highly available Sonatype Nexus Repository deployment to a single instance.


This topic covers migration from one of our HA deployment options introduced in release 3.50.0; for instructions on how to move from legacy HA-C to a single instance, see Migrating from Legacy HA-C to a Single Instance.

Container-Based Instructions

  1. Scalereplicasto 0 in the deployment.yml or using the kubectl.

  2. In your $data-dir/sonatype-work/nexus3/etc/, set nexus.datastore.clustered.enabled to false.

  3. Set nexus.datastore.enabled to true (required to use the PostgreSQL database).

  4. Set replicas to 1 in the deployment.yml or using the kbectl.

Non-Container-Based Instructions

  1. Stop all Sonatype Nexus Repository instances.

  2. In the $data-dir/sonatype-work/nexus3/etc/ file for the instance you want to turn back on, set the nexus.datastore.clustered.enabled to false.

  3. In this same instance, set nexus.datastore.enabled to true (required to use the PostgreSQL database).

  4. Start the Sonatype Nexus Repository instance.