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Repository-Specific Smart Proxy Configuration in Nexus Repository 2

Nexus Repository 2

Once Smart Proxy has been configured and enabled as described in Enabling Smart Proxy Publishing, you have to configure which repositories contents should be proxied more efficiently between the servers. This is done in the Repositories administration interface in a separate configuration tab titled Smart Proxy, which allows you to configure repository-specific details as compared to server wide details described above.

On the publishing repository manager you have to enable smart proxy on the desired hosted, virtual or proxy repositories in the repository configuration. This is accomplished by selecting the Publish Updates checkbox in the Publish section of the Smart Proxy configuration for a specific repository as displayed in Figure 7.4, “Smart Proxy Settings for a Hosted Repository” and pressing Save.


Figure 7.4. Smart Proxy Settings for a Hosted Repository

On the repository manager subscribing to the publishing server you have to create a new proxy repository to expose the proxied components. The smart proxy configuration for this repository displayed in Figure 7.5, “Smart Proxy Settings for a Proxy Repository” and allows you to activate the Receive Updates checkbox in the Subscribe configuration section. With a working trust established between the publishing and subscribing servers the Smart Proxy configuration of the proxy repository on the subscribing repository manager will display connection status.


Figure 7.5. Smart Proxy Settings for a Proxy Repository