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Upgrading Nexus Repository 2

Nexus Repository 2

Since the repository manager separates its configuration and data storage from the application, it is easy to upgrade an existing installation.

To upgrade the repository manager, unpack the archive in the directory that contains the existing installation. Once the archive is unpacked, the new application directory should be a sibling to your existing sonatype-work/ directory.

If you have defined a symbolic link for the version of the repository manager to use, stop the server and change that to point at the new application directory. When you start the new instance it will read the existing repository configuration from the sonatype-work directory. Depending on the version you upgrade from and to, some maintenance tasks like rebuilding the internal indices can be necessary. Please refer to any upgrade notes of the new release for more information. In addition, a review of the release notes can be very useful to get a better understanding of potential additional steps required.

If you are using any additional plugins supplied by Sonatype, the new version you downloaded will contain a newer version of the plugin. Be sure to copy the new version from the optional-plugins folder to the plugin-repository folder, as documented in Managing Plugins, and restart the repository manager.

Externally supplied plugins are updated by simply replacing the folder with the plugin with the new version.

Upgrading the repository manager works for nearly all update ranges. All 2.x versions can directly upgrade to the latest version. All 1.x version can upgrade to 2.7.x maximum. If you need to upgrade from 1.x to a newer version, you need to perform an intermediate upgrade step to a 2.x version.


The same upgrade process can be used to change from Nexus Repository Manager OSS to Nexus Repository Manager Pro.