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Community (Nexus Repository 2)

Nexus Repository 2


Nexus Repository Manager OSS and Nexus Repository Manager Pro are widely used in a large variety of organizations for numerous use cases.

Integrating the repository manager and expanding its features is encouraged and enabled by the availability of Nexus Repository Manager OSS under the Eclipse Public License, the REST API and the support for plugins as part of the repository manager itself, including writing your own plugins.

A number of tools are available to facilitate the community of users.

My Sonatype

A Sonatype-created portal with numerous resources including a community forum, blog posts, videos, and more available at

Users Mailing List

General discussion and support for anyone using and developing with Nexus Repository Manager Pro or Nexus Repository Manager OSS - Browse or Subscribe.

Source Code

The Nexus Repository Manager OSS codebase is a great reference for your development of custom integrations and plugins.

Community Overview

Community projects range from open source efforts run by Sonatype, projects run by Nexus Repository Manager Pro customers or Nexus Repository Manager OSS users to one-person, one-off hacks for some older versions.

When using any of these projects, ensure you keep the quality of the project and its impacts on your production repository manager in mind.


Plugins expand the functionality of the repository manager itself in various aspects on the user interface and underlying features:

Nexus Repository Manager OSS Plugins

A large number of plugins are bundled with Nexus Repository Manager OSS including YUM support, P2 support and others.

Example Plugins

Example plugins from Sonatype.

APT Plugin

APT/DEB repository support.

Rundeck Plugin

Integration with Rundeck

Webhook Plugin

Support for webhook notifications for component deployments.

Artifact Usage Plugin

Plugin to display components depending on a specific component.

Dependency Mgt. Plugin

Plugin to display the dependency tree of a component with further detailed information.

GroupId Mgt. Plugin

Plugin to help with provisioning security per groupId.

Repository Cleanup Plugin

Scheduled task that can remove components based on age and a regular expression pattern.

Gitlab Token Auth Plugin

Authentication support using Gitlab user token.

AWS S3 Publish Plugin

Plugin to publish components deployed to the repository manager also to AWS S3.

Hipchat for Nexus Plugin

Supports notifications in HipChat when components matching a pattern are deployed to the repository manager.


Nexus Maven Plugins

The official Nexus Staging Maven Plugin and the Nexus M2Settings Maven Plugin from Sonatype. The plugins use the REST API client library and can be used as an example for your own Maven plugins or other Java-based clients.

Nexus Ant Tasks

The official Nexus Staging Ant Tasks from Sonatype.

Puppet Module for Nexus

Puppet module to install and configure Nexus Repository Manager OSS, authored by HubSpot

Puppet Module for Nexus

Another Puppet module to manage a Nexus Repository Manager, authored by Atlassian

Nexus Cookbook

Chef cookbook to install and configure Nexus Repository Manager.

Openshift Nexus

Scripts to provision Nexus Repository Manager on OpenShift.

Nexus Ruby CLI

Ruby-based set of command line programs to interact with Nexus Repository Manager.

Nexus Python CLI

Python-based set of command line programs to interact with Nexus Repository Manager.

Nexus RPM Package

Nexus Repository Manager OSS as RPM package.

Nexus DEB Package

Nexus Repository Manager OSS as DEB package.

Puppet Nexus Client

Puppet module to retrieve components

Gradle Plugin

Gradle plugin to deploy components to Nexus Repository Manager and via OSSRH to the Central Repository.

Gradle Staging Plugin

Gradle plugin to deploy components to Nexus Repository Manager Pro and via OSSRH to the Central Repository with good support for staging automation.

SBT Plugin

SBT plugin to deploy components to Nexus Repository Manager Pro and via OSSRH to the Central Repository.

List Versions Jenkins Plugin

Jenkins plugin to display available component versions.

Nexus Metadata Jenkins Plugin

Jenkins plugin to add custom metadata with deployments to Nexus Repository Manager Pro.

Artifact Promotion Jenkins Plugin

Jenkins plugin allowing you to promote components to different repositories in Nexus Repository Manager OSS

Go Maven Poller

Package material plugin for Go that can poll a Nexus Repository Manager repository for components.

Nexus Docker Image

Simple Docker image including Nexus Repository Manager OSS.

Nexus NPM Docker Image

Docker Image of Nexus Repository Manager OSS with NPM support preconfigured

Other Community Projects

Nexus Performance Testing Library

Regression and stress test library for Nexus Repository Manager OSS from Sonatype.

Repository Management With Nexus

The source code for the book is the official documentation for Nexus Repository Manager OSS and Nexus Repository Manager Pro.

Nexus Book Examples

Examples for the trial guide section of the book Repository Management with Nexus.

Nexus Introduction

Slides and examples to present about Nexus Repository Manager Pro and Nexus Repository Manager OSS at user groups or in similar settings.


These projects listed are community efforts and are open to participation. If you are aware of any other projects or would like to have your project listed here, contact us at