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Assigning Component Labels

Component labels allow you to tag individual components to target them in policy constraints. Policies are configured with a constraint against that label. You are free to assign the label to any components that should be targeted or avoided by the policy without having to modify the policy.

Component labels added as a Lifecycle policy constraint.

Component label creation and management are performed in Organization & Policies. For more information on creating or managing component labels, see Component Labels.

Assign labels to a component using the Component Information Panel.

Assigning a Label

Assigning a label is done for components found in an application report or through the Component Label API.

  1. Open the report for your application with the target components

  2. Select the component to open the component's information panel

  3. Selecting the labels tab will display two panels

    1. Applied -> The box on the right contains labels assigned to the component

    2. Available -> The box on the left has labels scoped to the application

  4. Select the label on the Available side provides a dialog to set the scope of the label

  5. Selecting the label on the Applied side allows you to remove the label from the component